Chapter 11 - What if..

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I did´nt have long to wait. Like five seconds after mom disappeared everything started spinning. Mom was outside her old house. She knocked on the door. A man appeared in the doorway. I was guessing that that was my grandpa, mom´s dad. He let her in. I walked in with her. " Is that her" he said. A woman walked in who I assumed was my step-grandmother. "Yes that´s her. That´s my little angel" She answered. My grandma put her hand up to her mouth. "Sarah, she, I mean when are you?" she asked worried. "I´ll be leaving just in a few, I just wanted you to have one last look at her before I go." mom answered. "How old is she?" grampa questioned. "She´s Just about nine hours old. I´ll have to leave now" she said with tears forming in her eyes. She kissed and hugged them and then she went outside. As soon as she got outside she summoned the crystal again and threw it to the ground. We appeared in a friendly neighborhood. Mom ran up to one of the small houses in the neighborhood. She hesitated for a moment but then drew up a pair of keys from her pocket. She opened the door and ran inside. Inside there were some boxes but otherwise it looked like a normal home. A thunder clap was heard outside. Mom flinched. She ran to what seemed to be the kitchen and opened a small door. On the other side of the door were stairs. She ran down them, right after she made sure she had closed and locked the door. 

As she ran down the stairs another thunder clapped except this time it was louder. As she came to the bottom, she looked around frantically and shouted: "LEAVE ME ALONE! DON´T COME NEAR ME OR HER! STAY AWAYYY!!!!!!" I started feeling tears emerge from my eyes. The door at the top of the stairs was flung open. Mom ran and hid herself. The sound of someone running down the stairs was heard. "Sarah! Step out now! I swear I will never let you see her again if you don´t step out now!" dad shouted. "DO NOT TREAT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!! SHE IS ALLOWED TO SEE ME WHENEVER SHE WANTS!" I shouted without expecting him to hear me. But for some reason he did and he could see me too from the moment I spoke. He looked at me. "Who are you?" he asked. "I am Thelma Lind Williams, your daughter from the future!" I answered. He smirked. "You do quite look like me don´t you" he said through a low laugh. He stepped closer. I summoned a crystal and held it in front of his face. "You inherited my talent!!!" he shouted and smiled. I knew this was not going to end well...

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