Chapter 9 - One big happy family

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Hey just wanted to tell you who are reading this now that I am going to be focusing alot on Sarah and especially Jareth who is for the first time becoming a worried parent. Though I will have a little bit of Thelma in the time period she is sick. I would also like to let you know that this book is not supposed to professional it is supposed to be good. But otherwise reviews and critics are welcome.





I sat on the chair beside the bed. I looked at my daughter´s pale face. She just lay there without moving. Her chest was barely moving up and down but I just decided to ignore that and think about what would happen when she would wake up.

I would most likely hold her close to me like I did that eventful night. Maybe I should let her and Sarah go back to the mortal world. No, I must not show weakness. Sarah kept Thelma away from me. I will not go down on my knees and surrender. I will keep my ego undamaged. Sarah deserved this. She deserved to be locked up in her room. I showed her little mercy by letting her have the crystal my daughter had given her. Though I removed certain powers from that crystal for example, she could not see, hear or even smell Thelma. She could not hear Thelma´s thoughts, nor see them. I can be cruel but I am only cruel against those who I must be cruel against. I held my head in my hands. Why is´nt she awake by now. Why am I always so impatient. It has only been a couple of hours though it seemed like days. I wondered how these next few days would be organized. My decisions were final. I am going to keep them here. Both forever so we can grow to be a family. Everything will be as it is supposed to be. I thought about Sarah alot after she finished the labyrinth. I had tried absoloutely everything to make her stay yet, nothing worked. I had lead a young girl to a dangerous world filled with magic, just because I fell in love with her. Hmph, that was smart of me.

I wondered what Sarah was doing. Maybe she was still asleep. I better check up on my one true and only love. She was in her bed dreaming. She was dreaming a nightmare about me her and Thelma. Where Thelma was dead in my arms. I gasped at this nightmare. I wanted to go over to her and just hold her but I could´nt. I had to stay here with my angel until she was better. I decided it would be best if Sarah would be stuck in a dream in stead of a nightmare. I had her dream about her friends.

When I started thinking about it, I miss having Sarah in my arms to hold her. When she was 19 I thought that she had finally started to understand my feelings for her and that she felt the same way back and she fooled me for quite a while up until she went back for a reason I did not know up until now. She left because she was pregnant, with my baby. In her foster mother´s memory she was always such a princess andshe was also always such a playful child. She always tried her best to help everyone who needed it. She even saved one of her friends from suicide. She was kind hearted but could be incredibly cruel as I can be.

I guess she was quite like me. She was musical, she had wild hair, she was always different from others.

I knew she had had her own suspiscions as if why she was different from her whole family. Why was Sarah so angry at me always when all I was trying to do was to help her daughter. I was trying to be the father that she knew she had but had never been allowed to meet her.

I thought deeply of Sarah. I tried to clear up my mind but Sarah always came into my mind. I could´nt help but to think about Sarah. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. It was all I could think about. She was so beautiful. I loved her so much, she just did´nt realize that. I could´nt help but think that she could never love me but that did´nt matter. She was just a stupid mortal that was too dumb to see that I was the best valentine she could ever get. No one else could be a better lover than I, Jareth the goblin king.


I was walking in on a rainbow in a prefect world where everything was perfect. I had my friends with me and it was wonderful. Never had I ever experienced such happiness.Though as strange as it sounds, I felt as though something was missing, or someone. "Is anyone missing" I asked my friends. They looked up at each other. "Not anyone we remember my lady" Sir Didymus answered.

"Yes, there is definately someone missing. I can feel it" I said. "Toby!" Ludo shouted. Yes it must be Toby. I felt something in my pocket. I took it out. It was a dark crystal. I wonder when I had accepted this from Jar........ THELMA! "It´s THELMA IS´NT IT!!!" i shouted and baced away from them. "What are you talking about? Who is this Thelma?" Hoggle asked. My eyes widened in shock. "She is my daughter. You met her the other day, remember?!?" I said. "No, what are you talking about? I have been with you for the last month and I haven´t met anyone under the name Thelma and you don´t  have a daughter!" he answered. I was shocked. Yes he had! I remember very clearly. It was the same day as we spoke to Greg and Shmeila, the worm couple. That´s when I wished. Unless...they weren´t my real friends. "Hey, um Hoggle. Do you remember when I gave you the silver bracelet in the labyrinth for leading me as far as you could into the labyrinth" I said. "Yeah, why?" he asked. "Do you still have it on you, I want to see it." I said, acting excited. "Why of course! here ya go" he said and handed me a bracelet just like I had given him except it was made out of silver. "You´re not my friends! You´re all fake!" I said. "Sarah" he said but I just ran as far as I could until I crashed into a big wall. I stood up and rubbed my hand. I looked at the thing I had bumped into but there was nothing there. I stood up and started feeling it. I felt a solid, invisible wall in front of me. I tried to bang it down but it did´nt work. I ended up sitting and I started crying from all the exhaustion of trying to find a weak spot on the wall so I could get out.

I woke up. I was in my bed. I rushed to the window and looked outside. everything looked completely normal. I got up my book and started reading. It was a book about goblins and their history. It was one of the only readable books on my bookshelf. Most of the other books were in some different language that I could´nt understand. I am guessing it is from their ancient language. Some goblins still speak it but most of them speak human language. I had gotten quite interested in this book. It was interesting to know about all the legends. I mean, I would have to anywys one day because I would run out of stuff to read!

I just hoped that everything was alright with Thelma...

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