Chapter 19 - Finishing touch

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I was watching Thelma's every step. I had to spy on her but I was only going to do it now. She was constantly saying something to someone at her right shoulder. I did'nt see what it was but if you looked close enough, you could see a small light. She waas talking to a fairy! She walked up to the rosebush with the blue roses and said goodbye to the fairy. 

"Millions of girls float on their one quote 

Living on their last hope, on their last hope 

I live my life inside a dream 
Only waking when I sleep 
I would sell my sorry soul "

If I could have it all She began to sing state of dreaming. When she sang the chorus, she began to dance around and rolling around in the grass. I could see she was happy. I smiled anddecided to go and tell Jareth about Thelma's new friend. I know I shoud'nt have gone because of the bride and groom not meet the day before their wedding but Thelma's safety is more important. 

I walked down the hall. I stopped outside Jareth's study and knocked on the door. "Enter" he said. I opened the door and walked inside. He was deep in thought, resting his chin in his hand. He looked up at me and we smiled. "Hello" I said and gave him a peck on the mouth. "Hello" he answered. "I was watching Thelma before..." I said and looked at him seriously."And!" he saidanxiously. "She has met a fairy and they are getting along very well actually. She was talking to it." I said. He froze but then he smiled. "Well, that's alright I guess if she is getting along with them. Maybe she can rub some manors onto them." he said and we laughed. I kissed him again. "Well, must'nt we get going, we have to add the finishing touch to the decorations." I said and stood up. "Yes let's go." he answered as we left to go down to the ballroom.


I approached the flowergarden when I heard her sing. I stopped and looked to the flowergarden to see her singing and playing around in the flowergarden. She was so happy that she literally lifted into the air. 

When she finished the song I knew it was my cue to walk in. "Hello" I said and stopped above her. She had her eyes closed as she lay in the blood red flowerbed but as soon as I spoke she opened them. "Oh hello!" she said surprisingly and stood up. "How are you this fine day?" she asked. I had never gotten how she learned manors without getting taught them. She always showed etiqette at her fullest but of course, when Linda and the other Jareth came, she showed her dark side. It was a part of her only when someone was threatening her family. Otherwise, she kept it locked deep inside of her. "I am feeling very good thank you, how bout you?" I asked, replying in the best possible way.  "I am very good thank you. I am very excited because mom and dad are getting married TOMMORROW!!" she said and jumped up and down. I tried to keep my smile in place but my shock was making it hard for me. I managed to do it somehow though. "Well, congratulations!" I said. We started walking.

After we had walked awhile I had found out that Thelma was maid of honour. She was WAY too excited about Jareth and Sarah's wedding. It was stressing for me to see and hear it. I had to keep a straight mind. My master plan was going into action at the correct time, not before, not after but at the absoloute correct time.

I needed to go and get everything ready for my big blow.

"I have to go run some errands, it was nice meeting you again" I said. "Likewise." she said and nodded her head a little. "Goodbye then." I said  and waved as I walked fearther and fearther away. "Goodbye!" she shouted and waved back.


Ahh, alone again. I can barely blieve that mom & dad's wedding is TOMORROW!!! It is going to be perfect, I can feel it!

I lay down and hummed the lullaby as I fiddled with flowers. It was relaxing laying down like this plus the dark colour of the roses was the same as the colour of my dress. I took my hairpins out. My hair had gotten curly after having my hair done up so tightly. It felt good to have it out and having my hair run wild. "My life is a play" I said as I had just before discovered the truth of those lyrics. My life WAS a play. I had played in two plays on the island I had lived on including the wizard of oz and an original one but this was more than amazing. It was like living in a fairytale! 

I heard mom calling me for supper most likely. I stood up and began running towards her. I heard whispers and I stopped midway. I looked behind me. "It has begun" I heard a female whisper. I heard the laughter of a female, AND a male! I turned around in circles. They kept on laughing. I began crying into my palms. The pain "AHHHHH!" I screamed in agony. Mom ran to me. "Honey! Are you alright!?!" she asked anxiously. Suddenly the pain stopped. I slowly began to turn my head upwards toward mom. I just realized I had been holding the left side of my chest, beyond where my heart should be. I started to release them. "Yes I'm let's go have supper." I said with my highly british accent.

We walked into the dining room. "Sorry we're late, we just had a miniature problem" mom said and smiled. 

After dinner, I went back to the garden. After all, these were my last hours of being 12 years old. I entered it and walked to the flowerbed I had layed in today and let myself fall down. I saw a dark figure walking aroud me and whispering some words. I watched the shadow for a while until it looked up and I saw th terribly red eyes.

I woke up. I had fallen asleep in the flowers. I looked up at the stars. They were beautiful. I stood up just in case I would fall asleep again. 

I walked around for a while. I looked at the clock. It was 19:50. I better get going so I won't be late. I looked down at my locket. It was still there, in place as perfect as it can be.

I came to my room and began humming state of dreaming again as I brushed my hair and got ready for bed. I got dressed in my baby pink nightgown. It had long sleeves with ruffles at the end of them.

As I lay down in my bed after I turned the lights out I thought about the wedding and my birthday...

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