Chapter 21 - Sadness controls

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I am forever sad. Jareth's brother, Drake has taken my baby awqy from me. Not to mention that it was on my wedding day. I have been crying for 3 days straight. Though I am happy that Jareth and I are married, the sadness of my child not being able to meet me or even remember me overtakes all happiness and destroys it.

Also since then, Jareth has'nt left my side. He is a good husband and he will probably be here for me for the rest of my life. I could see myself growing old with him though we would not get older because of immortiality. I became immortal when we got married. Jareth said that if the mate of the immortal is mortal, they change into animmortal when they get married. Note that when I say will I mean will. Immortals only get one lover throughout their lifetime so that if their soulmate dies there are only 1% likes that they will find love again. No immortal ever has though.

I just hate Drake right now. I will probaby never forgive him. But all me and Jareth can do is wait and hope that she will come around and remember us. Drake had told us that he would do anything to stop Jareth and me from being happy because of the accident. I don't see why he. Has'nt forgiven him, I mean, it has been 24 years though they have been frozen since they met their mates.

One day, one sweet day, she will come back to us and no one will take her away from us. NO ONE! 

At the moment Jareth is holding me and we are watching Thelma through one of his crystals. "One day love, one day. From now all we have to do is hope....." he said 


I wanted to go and crush Drake´s bones. He deserved it, this time he has crossed the line!  He has taken my one and only daughter not to metion on what was supposed to be the most important day in my life. I growled out of pure frustration. Sarah flinched at this reaction of mine. I kissed her forehead. "Sorry, I just can't seem to control my emotions." I said as we looked at Thelma from my crystal. We were sitting in the window and watching this. It was pouring outside. 

Thelma was lying on the ground uncincious so far. 

A moment later, Drake appeared and picked her up from the ground. He looked at her and smirked, proud of his doings. He appeared outside what seemed like an orphanage. He opened the door and entered. A tanned woman with black hair appeared. "Can I help you?" she said. "Yes, I have an orphan here. Her name is Thelma Lind Williams though she is to be called Isobel from now on, oh and she is not allowed to hear or even see fairytales especially not Labyrinth or Peter Pan you hear me?!?" he said as he handed her over to the woman. 

"No child can live without fairytales." th woman muttered under her breath. "Well! this one needs to!" he threatened the woman. She looked deep into his eyes. "You will not tell her fairytales." Drake said. "No I shall not master" she said with a robot like voice. Drake nodded his head and left. As soon as the woman was sure he had left she started poking Thelma. Thelma started opening her eyes. "Who am I? Where am I wh are you?" she asked. "My name is Caroline, your name is Thelm..." she looked around. "Isobel Williams" she said painfully and bit her lip. Thelma gave her a questioning look. "You are in an orphanage an will be living here for a while." she said and closed her eyes roughly.

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