Chapter 14 - Time cut short

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I almost dropped my jaw to the floor. My girl had just fought and threatened her own father or well in a way without even touching him! It was amazing watching her stand up for her self. The fire in her eyes. She had the same look as Jareth exceot it was ... different. She was now in our arms, safe. 

She had been crying for quite a while now but it was my job as her parent to keep her safe. I was starting to trust Jareth just a tiny bit more. He was starting to show me that he was a worthy father. He held her and stroked her and whispered comforting words into her ear every now and then. I WAS starting to imagine us as one big happy family.

I looked at Jareth and smiled. He looked at me and returned the smile. "I´ll take her to her room" he said and took her there. 

A short while later he returned. "Would you like to join me on a walk?" he asked my nicely. "Yes, I would like that" I answered. He smiled and gestured me to step beside him. I smiled back and did as he gestured me to do. 

We walked for a while and talked about many things. As we started to get fearther and fearther into our conversation, the more I started to remember my feelings for him. They were all coming back.

I was so confused. I loved him but hated him. He was my enemy and lover. My hero and killer. I was in between the two answers. Was he my lover or was he my enemy? That was´nt the main question: the main question was; was I going to trust the man who was cruel, unfair and had kidnapped my baby brother 17 years ago? The answer came up into my mind when he took me to a wonderful place and asked me a question.


I was in my room watching mom and dad from the crystal. They had been talking for a while. They were now in the flower park. This was dad´s moment. I snapped my fingers, hurrying up before I missed something. I was just looking at them, hiding behind the thick, pink silk curtains. I watched as dad got on his knees, dragged out a ring and mom gasped. A moment later he stood up and mom wrapped her hands around dad and he laughed of joy. "YESSS" I said. Whoops maybe I said that a little too loud. Dad looked my way and so did mom they started walking this way. I heard them giggle slightly. I closed my mouth and held myself back from giggling.

I took out the crystal and I was back in my room, sitting on my chair just drawing a picture. I saw mom and dad appear in my room. "Hi Thelma, one question, were you spying on us?" mom asked. "Hmph, no I was definately not, I mean where were you even?" I asked. They looked at me, obviously not buying what I said. "Thelma, the truth please" dad said. "Fine I just peeked a little into the flower garden" I said, admitting my doings. "I don´t know what was going on though, I was only there for like five seconds" I lied. Now THAT they believed. Unbelievable. They looked at each other and smiled. Then their eyes landed on mine and mom said: "Me and your father have decided to get married" she said. I jumped up and down in excitement. They were obviously happy at my reaction. I mean, it was´nt every day your mom decided to forgive your dad and accept to marry him.

I had a feeling their wedding was going to be perfect.


I went back to my castle, angry. I had just let a 12 year old girl beat me up. And to make it worse, she was my daughter! I was so angry I could destroy an entire kingdom. I was going to attack th castle with an army to go and get her. I was not going to leave it there untouched. Her threats were nothing to me.

I took out my crystal and watched what she was doing. She was in Jareth and Sarah´s arms. I had a disgusted look on my face. To tell you the truth, I hated seeing them so happy. Thelma took Sarah´s hand and loked at something that was on it. It was a ring! Now I was really jealous that my life was´nt like that. Thelmal looked around as if looking for something. As if she was expecting something to happen. 

I wondered what it was she was looking for in this wonderful day in August. She excused herself and disappeared into the flower garden. I saw someone in between the trees, watching her every move.


I watched as she smelled the flowers. It was too late to help Sarah because she was getting married to Jareth. It was not too late to help Thelma though. I still had to wait a little longer. What day was it today again... Right it was the 17th! It was 5  days to Thelma´s birthday! I had shorter time than I had expected. Soon she was going  to turn 13. I had to have her away from here before then.


This was such a perfect day. I had finally had the guts to ask Sarah to marry me and she said yes. "When´s the wedding?!?" Thelma asked overly excited with her parents getting back together. "The 22nd of August" I answered. She stopped giggling for a while and then started to talk agian. "So soon really, that´s great." she said a little less excited for some reason. I did not know why she just did. I did´nt dig deeper into my daughter´s thoughts. i just wondered why.

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