Chapter 18 - Accident

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From what I heard from Sarah, Thelma loved the necklace we gave her. It was not a normal necklace, it would protect her from all sicknesses and spells except from one's........... my brother's. I had always been more powerful than Drake from when we got our power. We were about...10 or something alike. We had always been best friends until Sheila, his girlfriend at the time's accident. She had been killed during the war in our kingdom when we were 19. It was a terrible event that day. An immortal can only love one person and if their love dies, they can never find love again except in the very truly rare circumstances.When I was locked up in the tower because Mother could'nt bare loosing me nor Drake, when I was standing by the window watching the horror happening in front of me, someone was about to shoot me and Sheila jumped for me and so she got shot.

But well, as long as Drake did'nt know Thelma, she was safe from my brother's claws. It would most like ly also protect her from Linda and Jareth. I knew taht Linda would come back eventually to take Thelma for her own entertainment but the worst part was that I did'nt know when.

I can't believe that there are only two days to mine and Sarah's wedding and Thelma's 13th birthday. She grows up so fast. I mean, I feel like she is growing more and more every day! Her face has began to look more like a grown up's and she has become more of a lady. I am so proud of her. She has done her very best or well as  far as I have seen in my crystals in school. Though others tried to bring her down, she would not brake or even get bent. She always kept a sraight line, never went off track.

I went down to the ball room. I was to meet Sarah there so that we could organize the decorations.

Everything was going so well and we were right on track. It felt so nice being organized and not having to do things at the last minute. I once did that but that was before I met Sarah. She helped me organize myself more and she had completed that just before she left. I was sad but my organization helped me alot when I missed Sarah because I always had so much to do.


I streched and went out of bed. I looked at Lola. She started waking up slowly. "Good morning" she said in her low and soft voice. "Good morning" I said and smiled. I walked up to my make up desk and sat down by it. I started brushing the tangles out of my hair and hummed something I made up. 

When I finished brushing my hair I went into my wardrobe and took out my blood red dress and the same colour flats with black flower decorations on them. I love silver, black, and gold but especially BLUE! Blue has been my favourite colour for a long time. I even practised swimming partly because the water was blue! I am insanely in love with blue! 

I did my hair up into a beutiful shell like bun. I knew how to do that because my foster mom had given me a book about how to do up your hair for christmas. It was a really cool book. I used to my friends' hair up all the time while we chatted away. I remember when my best friend came to me after her sister had lost her baby. She was sad for a long time. For quite some time I thought she was going insane but we worked it out. I stuck the last hair pin into my hair. I sighed. I better get something to eat. "Ohh can we get something to eat!?!" Lola asked as she followed me down the hall. "Yes, but please be quiet! I don't know what dad's reaction to you being a fairy would be!" I whispered.

I had somehow managed to get to the kitchen without being seen. Lola followed closely behind me. She made  sure she did'nt make any noise. I went and took something out of the kitchen andgave a piece of it to Lola. I smiled as she took the piece and she returned it as she thanked me. "You're welcome" I said as I started to eat what seemed like a bread. Yep, it was definately a piece of bread.

After brekfast, me and Lola went to the flower park. I took her to her home.I just remembered that I had promised Drake to meet him here....

Hey sorry for the wait, I know it is a bit short but I will try and have the next one longer.



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