Chapter 7- Father And Daughter Relationship

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I woke up in my bed. Last night had been the scariest one I had ever experienced. But at the end of it all it was nice being sung to sleep by Jareth or my father. It was the beginning of our father and daughter relationship. I was starting to forgive my father for his doings. I was going to give him one chance to be fatherly to me. I got out of bed and stretched. I got dressed and brushed my hair and went down to the dining room expecting at least someone to be there and so there was. Jareth was there eating breakfast. He looked up to me and smiled. "Have a seat love" he said and gestured for me to sit by him and so I did. He whistled and then a goblin came carrying a plate and a glass of juice.

After I finished breakfast I wiped my mouth as any lady would. I have always loved to be like a princess. Though I never actually expected to be one. But I was happy none the less. "So how did you like your breakfast" he asked. "It was very nice thank you, how did you like yours?" I questioned him. Helooked surprised, probably at my etiquette. "It was wonderful thank you. I assume you slept well?" "Yes I did, I dreamt about wonderful things" I answered. "Well that´s good" he said and laughed. I wondered why. "I am going to go and see if mom is alright, give my wishes to the chef" I said before standing up heading to mom´s room. When I walked in her room I saw her in the window reading. She was still in her pajamas. "Good morning mom. Did you sleep well?" I asked. "No actually, I did´nt have the best of dreams" she said. "Oh what was it about!?! Tell me." I said in one word. 

"I can´t , you would start having nightmares of your own. It was terrifying." she said. I was going to get that dream out of her mouth somehow.


The nightmare I had  WAS truly terrible. I was walking in a dark world. Then I saw Jareth holding Thelma in his arms. I ran to them and saw that he had been crying. I tried to listen to her heartbeat but I could´nt hear anything... in this nightmare, Thelma was dead. I woke up with lumps in my throat and I was really sweaty. Now wmy daughter was here questioning me about the nightmare I was not going to tell her. "Dad is downstairs, we just finished eating." she said. I froze for a moment. "You ate with him?!?!" I asked. "Um yeah, by the way mom he is actually a very nice. He is trying ya know" she said. "I don´t want you to trust anyone in this place, do you hear me not even your father!" I whispered knowing that Jareth was most likely watching us from his crystals. "Why are you whispering mom? There is nothing to be whispering about. But I am not going to not trust my own father when he has done nothing to make me dislike him!" she almost screamed in my face. "Well young lady you would have had a different opinion last night when I was searching frantically for you by the way!" I said back. She disappeared. I knew she would´nt talk to me for the next 2-3 hours or so.

Though I could´nt help but wonder if what she said was true. Jareth was after all her father and well he had tried. I wished for her to be locked up in that bubble. Which was a total mistake. But other than Jareth taking away Toby when I was 15, I did´nt have a reason to dislike him, I mean that was 17 years ago. But he was cruel and unfair and I was not going to let him have that influence on my Thelma. I might be called an over protective mother but I guess that´s just what I am.


I was in my study, scanning through some baby albums of Thelma which I had taken with me  when I heard a small sob coming from across the hall...´Thelma´s room´ I thought. I lay the baby pink scrapbook down. 

I knocked on the door. "Thelma, are you alright?!" I asked frantically, worried there might be something wrong with her. "Yes, I´m fine" I heard through the door. I knew she was lying because I could hear she had a really shaky voice. I entered the room to find her sobbing in her bed. I sat down beside her. "What´s wrong love" I said quietly. "Mom is being really unfair." she answered. "In what sense?" I asked. "She banned me from trusting anyone in this place" she sobbed into my shirt. I hugged her to me and stroked her hair. "It´s alright, It´s alright" I whispered. I tried to think of something to make her happy. I know. She would love to see the flowergarden. " Come on, I want to show you something I said. We stood up and I took her hand as I lead her to the flower garden.

"We´re almost here. Close your eyes"I said and giggled. I stepped  with her outside and took her to the bridge. "Now you can open your eyes" I said and at that moment she removed her hands and gasped. After all, the view was breathtaking.

Flowers were everywhere and they all grew in different colours. A small waterfall was at the back of the garden and a small river lead through the flowergarden going in circles.

When I created this garden I had a vision af a peaceful place where you could go and relax. And this garden surely filled that need.

It was also a good place to think. I always went there when I was in deep thought, because I could never accomplish anything that needed deep thought ANYWHERE else in the WHOLE castle and believe me, the castle was big, almost as big as the labyrinth. The reason I could not find peace anywhere else was because of the blimy goblins. They were always drinking away and havin loads of noise. Even when I was in my study I could hear their drunken laugh. Though sometimes when I need a good laugh I go downstairs to my throne room and watch them being complete idiots. 

"This is wonderful" she whispered. "Well it is made tot be beautiful so that you can relax and put your mind at rest" I said. "You can come here anytime you like. Just ask one of the goblins or me to take you there and we will." I added.

I felt my heart starting to warm up. I was getting excited. This was the start of our Father and Daughter Relationship.

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