That's a wrap!

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Hello peeps!

That was the last chapter of this book that you just read. I will be starting on the sequel right away and I will begin with calling it 'Hope of the labyrinth' but I hope you have enjoyed reading this book enough to read the upcoming books. Thanks a bunch to Pick_Up_A_Pen, starwberry1, KendrickSupnet, GabrielaDogg and Rock_Chick_15 for being awesome people! Thanks to you who are reading this also, I appreciate that you have held onto my book so long. I appreciate it alot.




Jareth,Sarah, Ludo, Hoggle, sir Didymus, the british worm and Ambrocious belong to Jim Henson, rest of main characters belong to me

Also attention please: The next book will be ALOT better than this one. I take things a bit slower so that it does'nt go rush into anything.

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