Chapter 15 - Perfect day

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Hey I know that this story according to my calculations is supposed to be happening in 2003 but I will have newer songs ok




I'm at a payphone trying to call home, all of my change I've spent on you. Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two.

I sang the lyrics to the maroon five song which had been popular. I had grown to like Lady gaga, taylor swift, one direction ond most of all MAROON 5!!! I had snucked back into my house and got my phone. Tee hee. I had also grown to like Adam Lambert.

I let my hair fall down softly. I had pretty long hair. It went all the way down below my thighs but it was just above my knees. I was going to get my hair cut.

I heard a knock at the door. Need to hide these things. I can't let mom and dad see this. They are raising me to be a lady. And so that was what I was going to be. But being a lady needed some sacrifices. I hid my ipod in my closet along with my headphones

A small goblin entered. It was Groodger. He was sort of a friend. He was my first friend here. He had earned my trust. "What's wrong now?" he asked. He always seemed to know when I was feeling down. "It's about mom and dad's wedding, it's not that I don't want them to get married because I do very much in fact.... It's....just.......the date, They are having it on my birthday and they did'nt seem to notice" I said and walked back and forth. "So why don't you tell them then?" he asked. "Are you crazy?!?! They seemed so happy, I don't want to spoil their happiness. They are getting married on my birthday and that is final!" I answered.

He sighed. "Well, nothing I can do here, goodbye Thelma" he said and left the room. I looked around to see if the room was definately empty and then I ran into the closet and took out my ipod. I started playing this love by maroon 5.


This has been the perfect day and I hoped it was going to have a perfect ending. I had a perfect dinner planned out for the three of us. We are going to be having a lovely dinner at the small dining table. The chef was going to prepare something special for us, it was going to be a surprise.

I heard a knock at my door. Groodger walked in. "Hello Groodger, what can I do for you?" I asked politely. "Your highness, it's about your girl..." he said. "Yes what about her?" I asked. "Well, the date your wedding is set to be on August the 22nd..." he said. "And what about it?" I asked. "Don't you remember anything special happening on the 22nd...." I thought about it for a minute......Thelma's birthday. Whoops, I would have to discuss this with Sarah. We would have to find another date. "Thank you so much for reminding me groodger, I will have to change the date!" I said to him but he just looked at me and shook his head. "Don't she does'nt want you to know actually but I just thought I should remind you of Thelma's birthday." he rushed out. in almost one word. "Well, what do I do then?" I asked. "Just remember her birthday, I'm sure she does'nt expect you to remember her birthday when you have only known of her existance for just slightly mire than a month." he answered. I thought about it. "I have to leave now sire." he said. I nodded in response. "Um Groodger, on your way can you tell Sarah to come over to my study, I need to talk to her." I asked him. He smiled and nodded and was gone.

A while later I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said calmly. Sarah walked in looking wonderful and graceful as usual. "Is there any particular reason why you called me here?" she asked. "Yes actually, there is it's about our wedding date, it's on Thelma's birthday but we're not allowed to change it becuse then Thelma would have distrust against Groodger and I don't want that" I said. "Well thank you for reminding me but there's not much we can do about it now so I guess the show will go on" she answered.

An hour later, I saw a crow outside my window and she flew inside. I saw the crow turn into my sister. She and I had once been good friends. "Hello Jareth." she said. "I have come to see my newly found niece, where is she by the way?" she said as a smirk appeared on her face. She was holding something behind her back but just as that happened, a knock was heard on the door and Thelma walked in. "So this is her, she is truly beautiful." she said. "Stay away from her Linda!" I said angrily. "Who is this dad?" she asked. "I'm your aunt Linda!" she said and smirked more. Thelma walked from behind me. I knew she could handle Linda well but I did'nt want her to get hurt so as she almost stepped in front of me I tugged the sleeve of her dress. She looked at me with pleading eyes which cave me no choice but to let go. She nodded her head and walked closer to Linda.

"Hello Linda, it is a pleasure to meet you but I would like you to leave, you are causing my father discomfort so just leave before you get hurt." Thelma said. Linda laughed. "You sure have guts!" she said and kept laughing as Thelma kept a straight face. "I am serious now, GET LOST BEFORE YOU GET BURNT PLAYING WITH FIRE!" she answered. Linda stopped laughing and frowned. She walked all the way up to Thelma's face but Thelma did'nt even flinch. "Did you just threaten me! You can't take me down!" she said. "If I can make my father begging for mercy, I can take you easily:" she answered. Linda looked at me surprised and questioningly as I nodded. "Fine then, I shall leave but I will return." she said angrily. Thelma watched with disgust after her aunt as she flew out the window in her crow form.


I heard a knock on the door as I was putting my earrings in. "Come in!" I shouted. I walked up to the mirror to check if I did'nt look ok. I looked at my dress in the mirror and dusted off it as the door opened.

I looked behind me to see Jareth. "You look......breathtaking" he whispered. "Thank you" I said in reply. "So shall we?" I asked. "Yes" he said and took my hand and led me to the dining room where Thelma was sitting patiently, waiting for her parents.

The dinner was delicious. I did'nt exactly know what I was eating but it was really good so I did'nt really care. We talked alot over dinner. It was very nice. For the first time I felt like I had a real family. It was incredible. After dinner, Jareth took us to our rooms. But as Jareth took Thelma to her room first, she blinked me. As Jareth walked me to the room beside Thelma's, he stopped outside it. I turned around and gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you for everything. Goodnight, I love you" I said and smiled.

I closed the door. This had been the perfect day.

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