Chapter 17 - Gift of eternity

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I just wanted to tell you that I am really sad to have to finish the book but I have 2 good news;

1. I have decided to make this book longer by two chapters

2. I will make another book after this one and I will be just as active in writing it as I have been with this one.




I had been talking to Drake for a while. I had to be going before dad started worrying about me. " I need to go, it was nice meeting you." I said. "Yes it was very nice meeting you too. I hope we meet again." he said and kissed my hand.

I returned to my room, to find out that someone was knocking insanely on my door. I ruffled up my hair in case the person at the door would have been knocking for a long time and I went to answer the door. 

"Hello?" I said with a ruffled voice as  though I just woke up. Mom was at the door looking worried. "Where have you been! I have been knocking forever!" she said and hugged me to her. I opened my eyes widely. "Ok mom I was just sleeping!" I said as I pushed her away. She looked at me worriedly. "We better not keep your father waiting, he is not always very patient." she said to me, knowing that I would know what she meant.

Dad had always been VERY impatient. I guess it was because he lost track of time. But when mom and I got here, he always knew exactly what time it was and day it was. So if you would ask him what time it was he would probably reply like this: It's 14:36:42! Very accurate.

I followed mom downstairs to the dining room after I had brushed a little over my hair. It swooshed from the left to the right as I walked. As we arrived at our destination I saw dad sitting at the table, ready to rip his hair out. When he he heard mom and me walk into the room, he stood up and walked fastly towards us. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS!" he said and hugged me to him. Wow, my parents WERE overprotective. "Easy, I was just taking a nap!" I said calmly and yawned.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he backed away and scanned my body in search of an injury. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He frowned at my reaction. "Look, I'm just worried about you. You have met my sister and an other more evil me and they both want to kidnap you and so, I as a worried father need to watch you for 24 hours every day" he said.

I dried my mouth. Dinner had been wonderful. I had started getting used to the goblin food. It was better than I imagined. "I'm going to take a walk ok" I said and stood up. "Sure honey, I just want you in your room before 8 o' clock ok?" she said and smiled. I smiled back and replied with a simple ok and left to go back to the flowergarden.

As I walked I thought about the enemies I had made, just the past month. There were two of them already. There are surely lots more to come. I sighed. I walked through the long hallways to get to my destination.

I arrived at the wonderful garden. I had never seen it at night time. I started walking the same path as I always walked. I saw lots of fireflies. When I approached my favourite flowers I saw little creatures flying by. One of them landed on my shoulder. I took it off and held it in my palm. It was a small fairy. It bit me. "Heyy! Have som manors please!" I said. "Sorry, it's become a habit to bite people" the fairy whispered. "What's your name? My name is Lola." she whispered. "My name is Thelma Lind Williams, the daughter of Jareth the goblin king and queen Sarah." I whispered back to the fairy. "Nice to meet you!" she said quietly. "Nice to meet you too!" I answered.

Me and lola had been talking awhile and she told me that fairies only bit people because of their ancestors because they used to bite naughty creatures and soon more and more bacame naughty so the fairies started biting everyone as a habit. I looked at the time. It was 20:00! "I have to go!" I said and stood up quickly from the ancient looking greek whitestone bench I had been sitting on. Lola flew by my right shoulder. "Why are you going?" she asked with her small but soft voice. "I was supposed to be at my room by 8 but I am late." I said to her as I rushed to find the right hallway. "Can I stay at your room for one night?" she asked pleadingly. I looked at her to see she had a pouty look on her face. "Yeah, sure just don't leave a mess ok and no noise. I have a small but very cozy cushion that you can have and no un neccesary attention!" I said and entered my room.

I went and put on my nightgown."Stay here and don't say a word, ok I will be with you in a short while ok?" I said to the small fairy. I was quick so that mom would think I got here a while ago if she would come into my room. I went to my mirror and started brushing my hair. I heard a knock on the door and mom walked in. I looked at her and smiled. "Hey sweetheart, I have a gift from me and your father." she said and handed me a small golden and silver box. I opened it and gasped. Inside there was a lovely locket with a dash of crystal on the edges. It was silver coloured and was the shape of a heart. "Thank you mom, I love it." I said to her. She smiled, "Open it!" she said excitingly. I opened it to see a picture of her and dad. I felt tears starting to flow out of my eyes. "Here, let me put it on you." mom offered. I took my hair away from my neck. The tears kept threatening more and more to come out of my eyes. Mom, unfortunately, noticed this and sat down with me. "Ahh, sweetheart, it's alright." she said and kissed my forehead as she held me close to her in a hug. I cried into her dress. She was such a good mother. I wiped away my tears. "Are you alright honey?"she asked. "Yes" I answered simply. "Good night then." she said and stood up. "Good night." I said just before she closed the door. I am never going to take this locket off.

I walked into the wardrobe and looked for Lola. I saw her sleeping by one of my shoe pairs. Aww, the poor thing had fallen asleep. I picked her up carefully. I walked up to my nicely made bed and picked up one of the silk cushions and took a small cloth and put it over her for her to use as a blanket. I put her on my bedside table. She looked peaceful. I turned out the lights and went to bed.

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