Chapter 3 - Family reunion

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I sat outside the window of the tv room. They were watching a comedy movie, I believe it is called the tuxedo. Seeing the smiles upon their faces made me want to be with them even more. I imagined all of us together in the waterfall garden having a picnic and having a good time together as a small family.

When the movie was finished they went up th stairs to my daughter´s room. It was filled with posters of famous singers and actors and a nice double bed. She had a white desk with a piano on it. The song that she was playing was memory from cats. She had such a nice tone. I will have to buy her a piano when she comes to live with me. So she can play melodies as much as she wants. Sarah left the room and this girl started playing with the piano. She played a song that I recognized but stopped looked ouside the window and then into the mirror and started quietly singing "There´s such a sad love, deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel open and closed within your eyes I´ll place th sky within your eyes...Ther´s such a cruel heart beating so fast in search of new dreams, a love that will last within your heart I´ll place th moon within your heart... As the pain sweeps through and makes no sense for you every thrill that´s gone was´nt too much fun at all, but I´ll be there for you hoo hoo as the world falls down.." she had such a beautiful voice but how did she know that song?

The song I sang once for Sarah. I needed to make my move now before Sarah came and ruin everything.


As I sang the sweet melody "As the world falls down" I felt the need to open the window.But as soon as I did that the door shut locked luckily I always carried a key with me in my pocket in case this would heppen because occasionally it would. I heard flapping wings but I just ignored it until I felt a shadow creep up behond me. "Hello there daughter" I heard a male voice say. "What is your name sweetheart" he asked me. "My name is Thelma Lind Williams" I said. "You need not to introduce yourself, I know exactly who you are." I added. "Oh really well then tell me who am I" he challenged. " Your name is Jareth and you are the king of goblins. But why you are here I don't know but at the same time, why don't you tell me that Peter Pan or Beetlejuice exists"" I answered which amused him. "How do you know them!?!" he asked as I face bombed myself. I thought his jaw would drop to the floor but then the doorknob started shaking and I ran to the door. "THELMA LET ME IN ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!!" Mom shouted. I nervously searched for my key but could not find it. "Looking for someting are we" he said and dangled a key in his hand which happened to be my key. "Hey give it"I said. "A,a,a, not so fast " he said. "It´s not fair!" I screamed but as soon as those words came out the door burst open.

" THELMA!!!" she shouted before running to me to check if I was alright then I told her with my eyes to look behind her. "Hello Sarah. I was wondering when you were going to tell me about this jewel" he said and pointed his head at me. "The plan was to keep her away from you Jareth you have no power over us!" she said. "Well at the moment I sort of do Sarah, you can not keep my own beautiful daughter away from me! Do not defy me again Sarah. We will go to my castle where our young lady will explain how she knows the melody I once sang for you in your dream."

Mom stiffened up. "She what!" mom said and lifted her head to look at Jareth. Oh oh I was going to be in trouble. "Yes she was singing that song and playing it on the piano. She sang it a similar way as to how I sang it actually" well that´s that. Mom suddenly fainted. "Well let´s leave he said and all of a sudden, we disappeared.

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