Chapter 13 - Hatched

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(Author´s note: i suggest that you listen to bloody mary with lady gaga while reading this chapter and I will try to make the next part longer




Dad has been very helpful these past few days. I have been very sick with a sky high fever. I mostly lay in dad´s bed considering having me across from him was too far away. He was fairly over protective, I mean, If I were him I am sure as hell I would be too. 

Mom just keeps ignoring dad though but what I think she should do is see things from his perspective. I mean, he is still recovering from her not telling him about me. I mean, she would´nt feel so happy if I would have been kept away from HER! She would probably take a panic attack and start crying. Roughly spoken.

Now I am a lot better. I am playing hide´n´seek with the goblins. I find nothing childish about it. It is fun and I like it. Morcron started counting as I ran down the halls of the castle to find a hiding spot. I giggled as I found a hiding spot in the ball room. 

It was the perfect spot. I ran to the far side of the room. I saw a small door underneath the stairs. I ran to it and opened it. It was some kind of broom closet or something like that. It was very dark in there anyways so I just hid in there, waiting for him to shout that he gives up. I heard the door open. How did he... it was´nt him.

I looked at the face of the man who had foud me for some reason. It was dad, not the good dad that had taken care of me while I was sick.... It was dad from my dream!!!

He dragged me out of the closet by my arm. He threw me to the center of the room while he was closing the door so I used the chance to throw off my shoes and run. He was stupid to leave me there.

I was to frightened to know where I was going. I just hoped I would end outside of dad´s study and so I did. I knocked on the door like a maniac. "DAD! DAD! LET ME IN PLEASE DAD!" I shouted. I knew it was no use so I ran to mom´s room and started to knock like a psyco on her door. "MOM! ARE YOU THERE! MOM ANSWER ME!" I said feeling tears starting to verge out of my eyes. I heard a clicking sound against the marble floor coming from my right. Then I heard another pair of clicks from my right. I looked to my left to see my father, the good one running to me and when I looked to my right I saw my 'evil' father coming. I stood up and ran to my left. I turned my head to the left and started running just before something grabbed my arm behind me.


I can´t believe it! Another me has my daughter! "LET ME GO" Thelma ordered. He laughed. "Surely you have my mood" he said. I started walking up to them slowly. "Leave her alone, Jareth. This is a battle that you do not want to fight:" I said calmly. He laughed again. "What´s that supposed to mean" he said "Hand me my daughter and I will leave you unharmed" I answered. He laughed once again. "Now would´nt that harm you too" he said and smirked. "No actually it would´nt. Because in this time you are now in, Sarah never told me about Thelma and so if I would do any harm to you, it would´nt harm me. All because of the time and world you live in" I answered triumphantly. He frowned but then a smile returned to his face. "A challange" he said before Thelma gave me a sad look before she disappeared. The both of us wondered where she had gone. But as soon as we looked around a big sight was seen in front of us. It was a sight of Thelma walking up a staircase. She had her hair brushed down her back and she was wearing a white dress. Her flawless skin almost shone in the brightness. Clouds surrounded her. Sarah came running down the hall to me. When she saw what we were looking at she gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "THELMA" she screamed and started to cry. I hugged her to me. I gave her comfort. She was crying because what we were seeing was Thelma walking up to heaven. Which automatically meant she was dead.

She looked at me and Sarah and smiled. Then she looked at Jareth and gave him a disgusted look and he frowned.

She closed her eyes. Everything else disappeared and she landed on the floor in between me and Jareth. Jareth was definately going to use his chance to go and get her while I was volnerable with my soon to be wife. I just had to find a way to her heart.

Jareth ran to get her but she opened her eyes and reached out her hand to him and rolled her hand. As soon as she did that it was like he was pushed into a wall. She looked at me. I was astounded. The look in her eyes showed that she was sorry for some reason. She turned her head back to Jareth and walked up to him. "I am not as innocent as you all think" she said. "All these years I have known about you. When I saw the misery you put my mother through, I had no choice. I can be crueller than the two of you combined!" She said and made a hand motion as though she was strangling someone and Jareth was held up against the wall. "So I expect that if you want to stay alive, you better stay away." she added. I was surprised at her. She let Jareth go. He was down on his knees gasping for air and then he disappeared.

I walked up to her. We had underestimated her more than we could've possibly imagined. She snapped her fingers and she was back in the clothes she had worn before. She was wearig a lovely royal blue dress. The small sleeves of it were hanging tightly just below her shoulders. She dusted off her dress and ran to me and Sarah with tears in her eyes. She came and hugged the both of us.

This was the first time we bonded as a family. Me, Thelma and Sarah.

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