Chapter 20 - Bells?

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I woke up early. I was so excited that I could explode! I heard a knock on the door. Thelma came running in."Hello birthday girl!" I said as she jumped and hugged me. We started dancing and jumping in our excitement. "This day is going to be PERFECT!" she said and eek'd in happiness. She ran into my wardrobe and got out my dress. "Hey honey, when you are finished getting ready, go to your father, he's got your birthday present." I said and blinked her. She smiled WIDELY like the chesire cat in alice in wonderland. 

I did her hair up in a princess-y style. She looked lovely. I really did chose the right dress for her. "Well, aren´t you going to get ready?!?" she asked me and widened her eyes.I snapped back into reality. "Yes, now go get your present honey." I said as we smiled at each other. Right afer I had said those words, she nodded and ran out the door. I went into my wardrobe and got out the wedding dress. It was the prettiest dress I've ever seen. It had heaps of ruffles and it was big, white and poofy. On the top part, it had swirly plant like patterns and on the bottom it was filled with ruffles. The neckline of the strapless dress had lacers. I was going to wear a diamond necklace and earrings matching the dress. Thelma was right. This day WAS going to be perfect. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I was so happy. Everything is absoloutely perfectly amazing. My life is much more fair than it has ever been.


I was getting ready. I was going to be wearing white, tight pants, a white shirt and a white Jacket with a creme coloured pattern. As I was getting into my jacket I heard a knock on the door. Thelma walked in with a wide smile on her face. "Hello, happy birthday love." I said and kissed the top of her head while she hugged me.

I let go of her and got the royal blue package out. I handed it to her. She went and sat on the bed as she opened the present. On the inside was a ring with a giant diamond on it. I know that diamonds were her favourite gems. She has loved them since she was little. She ran to me and gave me a hug, "Thanks dad! This is wayy too much! I never expected something magnificent! THANK YOU! EEEEK!" she said as she jumpet up and down in excitement. "I'm going to go to the flowerpark to.. um eh..." she said awkwardly. "It's alright sweetheart, you can go visit your fairy friend, I know very well about her." I said. She gave me a questioning look but then her million dollar smile returned. "Thanks dad but before I go, I want to ask you a question." she said. "Yes" I simply answered. "Do Peter Pan, Hook, Beetlejuice and the lost boys really exist she asked. "Yes, they do. Hook has even got a son who is 3 years older than you and Peter and Wendy have got a boy the same age as him as well." I said. "And as for Beetlejuice..... let's just say he is not in the best state but whatever the occasion, don't trust any of them. Especially not Hook's son and Beetlejuice!" I said as a warning. She nodded her head once and ran away to the flowergarden. I wonder how she knew about them? Well, no time to think about that. 

I looked into the mirror and then I took a quick glance at the clock. It was 10:35 which meant that there were only 25 minutes until the wedding was. I straightened up and took a better look at myself. I looked quite handsome if I would say so myself. 


I walked into the flower garden. I looked around for Drake. I ran around looking everywhere. He was'nt there. Hmm... I wondered why. Well, no time to worry about that."damn" I whispered, I really did hope he was here. But just as I said that I heard a voice behind me. "Hello, you must be Jareth's daughter, my name is Flame Pan" I froze and turned around slowly. When I had turned around completely I saw a boy about 16 with blonde curly hair. "Hello, you?"I said. "Yes the son of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling."he said. "Aha, well nice to meet you my name is Thelma Lind Williams but I have to go." I half lied. I started walking away fast. I felt him grab my hand. I looked back at him. I swear if looks would kill, he would be down on the ground, burning to ashes. I laughed at the thought. "I hope I.........." he said before he was interrupted. "Well, well, well, what have we here?" I heard a voice say. "Great just great" I said and turned around to see who I was assuming was Hook's son. "Well hello there! Nice of ya to join me the BOTH of you, I'm sorry to imform you that I'm busy!" I said with clenched teeth. Their jaws dropped to the floor, probably not expecting this behaviour from a princess. Then Hook's son smirked. I glanced at him. "Well, my lady, I hope we shall meet again." He said and pulled me to him. I made my eyes turn red. I saw two distant figures in the sky. I rolled mt eyes. I hated to do this but I had to. I was in my room. Whew that was close. I went up to my mirror and fixed my hair. I would tell father about this small meeting later when it was not his WEDDING DAY!  

I went over to mom's room. "How are yo....." I said but gasped when I saw mom. She was blindingly beautiful. "Mom you look.........................WONTACULAR!!!" I said as I mixed the words wonderful and spectacular together.  She looked at me and giggled. I looked at the clock. It was 10:50. "Mom, we should get going, dad should be downstairs right now." I said knowing that the wedding would start at 11'o'clock sharp. "Ah, yes we should!" she said and took my hand. We walked together down to the ballroom. 

When we got outside there the clock was 10:56. I whistled and some maids came. They were to carry mom's dress. I handed mom the buqet I had made for her and then took my flower basket. I heard the wedding march start to play. I started walking and throwing flower pedals on the floor. 

When we reached the alter, I stopped throwing pedals and went by mom's side. I watched as the priest spoke some words. I took out the pillow with the rings, just to be ready when Groodger gave me a sign. I heard mom and dad say yes and I looked at Groodger as he nodded his head. I took the rings to mom and dad. They put the rings on each other. "Then I pronounce you man and..." 


Just before the priest finished, Thelma fell to the floor. Everyone in the room gasped. Sarah crouched down to Thelma. Out of nowhere, a familiar man appeared. "Drake" I said, my voice filled with anger. "Hello Jareth, don't mind me, just saving someone." He said and picked up Thelma. Sarah screamed. "NOOOOOOO!" she shouted with full energy but as she shouted, Drake disappeared. "You have no power over her anymore Jareth, she does'nt remember you or even know who you are and I will make sure it stays that way for ever and ever and ever." I heard  him whisper. Sarah was on the floor crying. "and wife." the priest finished.

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