Chapter 12 - Bad dream

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He walked closer and I backed more. I threw the crystal to the ground and I instantly appeared at the other side of the room. He did so too. He disappeared. I looked around, but I could´nt see him. Mom looked at me from her hiding spot. She gasped. She had probably seen the resemblance between me and her and dad. "Run" I whispered. Tears started flowing from her eyes. I looked at her sadly. I ran up the stairs but as soon as I was at the top of the stairs, dad appeared and also when I tried going down the stairs. I looked around me. There was no escape now. I thew the crystal into the ground. As soon as I did that I was back outside in the storm that had now appeared. I snapped my fingers and as soon as that happened, I changed clothes. I snapped my fingers again and mom was outside. I hugged her to me with one arm and threw the crystal to the ground. Almost as soon as I had done that everything started spinning. The very moment we landed in the ballroom. Oh oh. I looked around. I felt as though my small dress had tightened. I looked down. BLIMY! I was in that dress again. I looked around again and felt as though someone was watching me. I kept looking until I saw a familiar mask. I froze. The first thing I thought to do was to make a run for the mirror at the other side of the room but when I looked there, there was no mirror. I panicked as I felt my face whitening in horror. I began listening to the music. I started singing to it.

There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes.
A kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes.
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes.

There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast
In search of new dreams.
A love that will last
Within your heart.
I'll place the moon
Within your heart.

As the pain sweeps through,
Makes no sense for you.
Every thrill is gone.
Wasn't too much fun at all,
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down.

Falling down.
Falling in love.

I'll paint you mornings of gold.
I'll spin you Valentine evenings.
Though we're strangers 'til now,
We're choosing the path
Between the stars.
I'll leave my love
Between the stars.

As the pain sweeps through,
Makes no sense for you.
Every thrill is gone.
Wasn't too much fun at all,
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down.

As the world falls down.
As the world falls down.
Falling in love
As the world falls down.
Falling in love
As the world falls down.
Makes no sense at all.
Makes no sense to fall.
As the world falls down.
Falling in love
As the world falls down.
Falling in love
As the world falls down

I walked around, looking for mom and the mirror. I still felt dad´s eyes on me. He was watching my every move. "Forever is not long at all aye" I whispered, knowing he knew he had sung a song where he said forever was not long at all. I felt someone touch my shoulder. Before I even looked around, I had disappeared.


It hurt so badly to see my baby girl like this. She shut her eyes roughly and then they were normal again. Then she did it a couple more times until she started moving around alot. I had´nt eaten since the day after she bacame sick. 9 days have passed since then.

"NO! LEAVE US ALONE!" she suddenly shouted. And fluttered her eyes. She had done that a lot of times so I had stopped flinching when she did that. But this time it lasted longer. She was fluttering her eyes for about two minutes until she stopped. About 30 seconds passed until she startedto open her eyes. I stood up and put the wet cloth on her forehead. "Hello, Thelma, love, can you hear me?!?" I asked. "Yes" she answered deafly. I whistled with my fingers. Groodger was at my side. "Yes, what is it master" he said. "Go get lady Sarah, quickly!" I said. "Yes master" he said and was gone in a flash. About one minute later he was back and was dragging Sarah behind him. "Sarah" I said and stood up. She ran to Thelma. "Sweetheart! Are you alright?!?! I´m right here, I´m right here" she said as she held  her daughter and stroked her hair. She really was a good mother. I hoped one day that she would accept me as Thelma´s father and my proposal that I was on day going to have.

I just imagined how our wedding would be. Sarah would be wearing a beautiful white dress, Thelma would be a bridesmaid. They would both be absoloutely wonderful.  A completely white wedding. Everyone would be dancing and having a good time. It was a wonderful thing to think about, which reminds me of, I made myself a promise I have to keep. I walked down to the hobby room. This was the perfect time to do this beacause Sarah and Thelma probably needed some private mother daughter time. I took out a paint pallet, a paintbrush and paint. I put the image back in my head and began painting. The colours matched wonderfully together. In the end they always had a really good result. I began swishing the paint as to where each colour was supposed to be.

I painted the last strip of colour of the painting. I backed up. I had painted a lot of really lovely paintings, but this one was the prettiest. Thelma was floating on a bed and behind her were stars. She had a wonderful glow to her body. It really was wonderful. I had to put it up somewhere where everyone could see.

I whistled and told Groodger to hang up the picture on the wall somewhere where everyone could see.


I was outside the window. So this was Jareth´s little jewel aye. She was beautiful. I could understand why he was so over protective. It would´nt be hard to get close to her. I will have to wait. Time will bring her to me. I cna not let Jareth regain power over them completely. That would have be wasting my power. If I would have been five seconds later she would´ve lost her family for good. I did´nt know about the baby or even that she had gone back, but I soon got to know that, considering that I had to watch over Sarah. I watched the Jareth´s daugher and Sarah grow up. I still remember the day that Sarah saved her friend from suicide. It was a great event that yet not many knew about.

Sarah did´nt know I existed, the only favour I ever did her was to tell her she had no power over Jareth and that would set her free. I did´nt have feelings for Sarah, but I did´nt want Jareth to be happy. He deserved to grow old alone and die alone. His heart I wanted to be crumbled in pieces so that they could never be put back together. That´s one of the reasons that I made his daughter sick. I was´nt expecting her to get up this soon. At least I softened Jareth up a little. He has never been under so much pressure as to worrying about his daugher waking up or not. I almost smiled at the thought. Soon enough, Jareth would have no power over them once again.

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