Chapter 5 - What's said is said

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Jareth showed me to my room. It was large and had a walk in closet.

My bed was very princess like it was large and had drapes all around the bed and the best part was probably the balcony. I ran to the balcony and saw th view. It was absoloutely beautiful. "This room is wonderful" I whispered. "Yes well it´s all yours now love" he said. I turned around to see him leaning on my desk it had a princess style to it, it had this mirror attatched to it. Well a thing I forgot to mention, it was completely pink though in different shades except for 2 walls and a few items that were white. "How long have we been here?" I asked. "You and your mother have been here for one day.Your mother´s room is just the first room down the hall to your right and my room is simply across from yours.Which reminds me, I need to go run some errands, at 6:30 I will send goblins to go and get you and your mother. I expect you to look descent. Your wardrobe is filled  with dresses and things like that.I hope we will one day be a family" he said and disappeared.

I ran to the room on my right to go and see mom. I knocked on the door. Mom opened. "Hello oh Thelma come in quickly!" she whispered excitedly. As I walked in I saw four very familiar characters. "This is my daughter, Thelma Lind Williams. Thelma this is Hoggle, Sir Didymus, Ludo and Ambrocious" mom said. "It´s a pleasure to meet you my lady but I must say you are very alike your mother in looks" Sir Didymus said. "Thelma pretty" Ludo added which made me smile and blush like a tomato. "Wow Sarah, she really does look like you" Hoggle added with a surprise. "Thank you it is a pleasure to meet you all" I said gently.

"Is there any particular reason why you came here love?" Mom asked. "Yes actually, I was wondering if you wanted to meet some of your other old friends from the labyrinth like the fireys, the wiseman and his hat, the doorknobs, the worm, the door twins you know all of them" I said. "That´s a splendi idea Thelma, can you use your crystals to get us there?" mom questioned. "Yes I can" I answered. "Has she inherited Jareth´s dark crystal power?!?!" Hoggle asked surprised. "Yes I have now hold hands and we will go to the beginning. Quickly now before Jareth finds out" I said quickly and quietly. This was going to be a short trip I thought knowing Jareth.


I am sitting in the throne room surrounded by comletely idiot gobins and I am thinking about Sarah and Thelma. I always wanted to protect Sarah and now I want to protect Thelma too. I want to protect them from every danger that my labyrinth has to offer. After Sarah completed my labyrinth I tried to find her friends, the traitors the ones that had helped her finish the labyrinth just to dump them int he bog of eternal stench. They also went to see my Sarah when I had banned them to. I decided to look int o the crystal to see Thelma when she was little. I had discovered that she was born on the 22nd of August. That lovely little smiling child was a child of mine. She really did resemble me. I looked at her when she was little. She ran around and played with dolls. Such innocence. I wondered if she was still in her room or if she was in Sarah´s. She connected with Sarah from the moment she met her. So I doubt she will still be in her room because she is just settling in. My heart was crushed at the thought that sarah had kept this priceless jewel away from me.

I sent a goblin to go get them like 7 minutes ago or so. He ran to me panting heavily. "Your highness  the girl and Lady Sarah are not in the castle I have searched everywhere without progress!"he breathed out. "What!" I stood up in anger. "Search for them everywhere!" I shouted and everyone ran to go and find Sarah and Thelma.

I looked at the crystal to see them at the beginning of the labyrinth. They were talking to that british worm.

The only one that was´nt completely focused on the blue worm was Sarah. She kept looking around as if she was expecting something. "I just wish she could be stuck in a bubble where Jareth could not get to her" she whispered to herself. What´s said is said Sarah. Though I could only grant a part of that wish it was Sarah´s wish and that´s what happened.

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