Chapter 003.

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Kayzha place
When I touched down in my place i and dasia . I went straight to the shower for 15 minutes.

I gotta out the shower lotion Up my body all my hygiene stuff . Putting on my clothes , brushing my teeth .

Placing my bonnet on my head . I walked out my room ignoring dasia . I headed straight to my kitchen .

When dasia got up walking into the kitchen.

Uh may I fix me something too eat . Ian just wanna go in your kitchen without asking.

{ Kayzha }
Sure , make yourself at home .

I grabbed a water bottle walking into my room . I grabbed my laptop charger and laptop plugging up my laptop.

I plugged it up powering it on to check . For any assignments that I may have missed . While I was out with ant lame ass .

I didn't have any assignments but It was hella late . I decided to watch tv for a while and I dosed off going to sleep.

While 4 minutes into me sleeping . I heard bags rattling around. When I opened my eyes and looked down at the foot of my bed .

I saw dasia eating chips I laughed causing her to jump and turn around confused look on her face. This girl had the whole kitchen on my bed . Chips , drink , candy , sandwiches, chicken wings.

Everything she had the munchies like a motherfuck . I got up rubbing my eyes .

{ Dasia}
My bad Kayzha Ian mean to wake you I couldn't find the remote to control the tv

She said eating looking back at the tv .

{ Kayzha}
Dee , when I said make yourself at home. Ian mean literally

I said laying back down pulling the blanket over me closing my eyes

She started smacking loud on purpose's, I flipped my blanket looking at her . She looked at me out the side of her eye as she smirked. Crossing her leg .

{ Kayzha}
Stop playing with me

{ Dasia}

She looked back at the tv sitting on the floor leaning her head back on the bed . I got up going to the bathroom.

When I came out the bathroom dasia , was underneath my blanket comfortable as hell knocked the fuck out .

How a mf that doesn't even know me sleep more comfortable in my bed , better then me at that . Then she left the snack out I was gon wake her up .

But I decided not to , I mean she did help me out more than ounce today . I decided to clean up the snacks taking them into the kitchen putting them in the right place .

Damn , Dasia had the munchies like heck . What the hell .

I still can't believe ant was only check up on me because my momma told him to do it . He's always been honest with me.

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