Chapter 010 .

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I let them in as I closed the door . I asked them to give me a minute to get dressed I came back down stairs.

As they were sitting down in the living room . I pulled my hoodie over my head bouncing my leg .

The detective cleared her throat whispering to the police . I sat foward looking at them . Speaking lightly.

{ Kayzha}
W- what you whispering about , w-w-what's going on .

{ police}
Miss Rowland do an Anthony ?

He said bluntly handing me a picture of my cousin . I grab the picture standing up .

{ Kayzha}
Yea-yeah th-that's my cousin ant !! He outside or something.

I said , heading towards the door putting on my shoes . When the detective sigh looking her partner.

{ detective }
Uh no ma'am , we are sorry to inform you that Anthony-

{ Kayzha}
Hell nawl don- ... *my voice started breaking* Don't say it that's my COUSINNN

The detective looked down at me walking up to me . I immediately got up grabbing the phone off the counter.

I started calling my cousin , only for his phone to for straight to voicemail. I screamed at my phone looking at the detective as she walked off .

{ detective}
I'm so so sorry ma'am .

She rubbed my back getting up walking off . Talking to her partner looking at me .

{ Detective}
This job never gets any easy does it ?

{ detective #2 }
No it never does , I wish that baby the best . Her own mother couldn't tell her she lost her cousin.

No , not at all poor girl .

They said leaving Where the fuck is ant ! Why he not answering his phone . That's not like him . People showing up to my place . I started panicking while I asked Siri to call dasia .

Her phone started ringing going straight to voicemail. I hung up repeating calling her phone . I did something I never would see myself doing.

I instantly unblocked tee calling her . She picked up her phone immediately.

{ Tee }
Hay daddy , why you cal-

{ Kayzha}
Tee not now bro , wh-where Dasia ?

{ Tee }
Oh no the fuck you didn't call my phone just to see , where yo bitch at !

She laughed screamed Ohhhh

{ Tee }
Y'all into it now and she not at home so you c-

I hung up in her face . I instantly regret calling tee . I blocked her number again pacing myself to calm down. When I calm down I made my way out locking the door behind me .


I decided to make my way down to the police station . Then on my way to the hospital to make sure .

It's not an mistake. I was nervous shaking my social battery was low .

{ front desk}
How may I help you tonight?

{ Kayzha }
I - ..

I sighed looking behind me to see my mom . I walked over to her she was crying .

{ Kayzha}
Ma , ma wh-what happen whose blood maaaaaa

Seeing her cry made me cry .

I semi screamed , she looked at me as if she was in shock . She got up looking at me as she slapped me .

Causing the police to run over pulling her back . As they grabbed me , I looked at her confused as tears fall .

{ Kayzha ma }
Ion want shit to do with you eve- you know you the reason Anthony was killed TONIGHT HE DIE IN MY ARMS KAYZHA WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO

{ Kayzha}
M-ma I didn't do a- what ?

{ Kayzha}

I looked at her we haven't seen each in a long time . This the first time I've seen her , she blaming me for Anthony's death .

I instantly went numb walking out the station. Ion even know why she here at the station in the first place .

When i made it to my car , I caught my breathe heading back home .

When I got home , I checked my phone to see if dasia called me or texted me .

Not one notification from dasia.
I through my keys on the counter. Heading upstairs to my bed room .

After 12 minutes all dasia things was outside in a box , I mean all her things 5 boxes .

I locked my door from top to bottom.
I went into my room sitting down going through all stages of emotions after a while I was numb again .

This time I went straight for a blunt back to back. I powered all my devices off . I got up cutting all my lights of heading back in my room , Eventually I went to sleep .

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