Chapter 20.

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The night is still young .

After rico kicked everybody out . I stayed behind to help clean up . When it was less people , I started talking .

Rico was the only person . I was comfortable with talking around . I didn't talk much around ant and his friends .

I was never comfortable around them . But with rico and his friends it was nice .

Everybody was laid back and respectful of each other .

Natalie walked up to me giving me a trash bag quietly about to walk off . I grabbed her hand , she looked at me smiling.

{ Natalie}
Yes , Kayzha?

{ Kayzha}
I - I was wondering . If you would help me was this dishes . It's a lot rico is always doing the most . When his guess comes over.

{ Natalie }
Of course . I don't mind . I was just going to go seat by Chazlynn anyways .

She said looking down at my hand . I didn't realize , I was still holding her hand . I quickly let go of her hand turning around closing my eyes tightly opening them as as I walked towards the counter.

She started cleaning off the counter . While I cleaned the sink out putting water in the sink . I went throw the chips away .

When rico came in the kitchen.

{ rico }
I know you not about to throw them $35 chips out . Girl you better put that bottle in the refrigerator.

I looked at him rising my eyebrow as Natalie continued to clean watching us .

{ Kayzha}
Rico no , I am not about to put this back . People's hands been all in this chip bowl . I'm pretty sure some of them was eaten off us .

I picked up the chip with red lip gloss on it showing him . His eyes widened a little bit before speaking .

{ rico }
$35 Kayzha put 'em inna the refrigerator.

I laughed , waiting for him to walk off . Throwing the bowl of chips in the trash as Natalie giggled .

Turning the water off  , placing the dishes in the sink . I came being her placing the bowl in the sink .

She smelled good , i quickly moved back . Because if she anything like me , she doesn't play about her personal space .

{ Natalie}
Uh - Kayzha I heard you just moved here . How long have you known rico .

She said , putting dish soap in the water . I can tell she was kinda nervous and trying to make small talk .

So that things don't be mad silent. I engaged in a conversation with her as I sat on top of the counter beside her .

Pulling my hoodie over my head pulling it tightly.

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