Chapter 015.

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15 minutes later
During the car ride I fall asleep , when all of a sudden I felt Dasia pushing on me . As she opened her car door getting out closing her car door .

She immediately walked off leaving me . I looked over mad confused . When i finally sat up rubbing my eyes .

I immediately knew , where I was at I tried to calm myself down . I took the sit belt off looking out the window.

I saw people greeting each other , some people was smiling others was hurt .

I didn't know which one I wanted to be I don't have people skills . I grabbed my phone ounce I spotted Dasia talking to my step auntie.

I called her phone , she looked down at her phone declining my call placing her phone back into her pocket continuing to talk .

I sighed, opening the car door . Immediately getting out closing the door behind me . When I step foot on the sidewalk , my cousin walked up to me .

{ Kayzha cousin }
What you doing here auntie told us what you did Kayzha .

{ Kayzha}
Mmcht miss me with that bullshi momma a lie . Ian nev-

{ Kayzha boy cousin}
Nigga yeen never what ? Huh what you do set him up bitch ass girl .

{ Kayzha}
Boy what you better get the fuck out my face before I -

{ Kayzha girl cousin}
Before you what ? Huh with your lil quiet antisocial ass .

They started laughing , while Mack slapped my phone out me hand . Pushing me into the car as Leah stepped closer.

{ Kayzha girl cousin Leah }
Y'all I wonder if she still panic when people get into her personal space ?

I started breathing heavily . I tried to move when Brandon kicked my phone clean across the pavement.

{ Kayzha boy cousin Mack }
Look y'all she finna start hyperventilating, get out her face .. yo Leah give me her phone .

I stood there watching Wondering if I should be disrespectful or respectful On my cousins day .

Like they really tryna be bullies. I nodded letting it go , when Leah stepped back walking to grab my phone off the pavement.

I was staring down Mack , she placed my phone in his hand . Then he aggressively grabbed my hand placing my phone in my hand .

I gasped in pain as the shattered glass got into my palm of my hand . He pushed in into my blouse as my cousin walked off laughing while he stayed behind .

{ Kayzha Boy cousin Mack }
I suggest you leave your not welcomed here

He said winking at me doing the gun suggest to the head as he walked off smiling . Telling Leah them to wait up .

I opened the car door sitting down in the car placing my broken phone on the floor sighing.

I almost started crying , when all of a sudden . I heard a familiar voice causing me to look up standing up closing the car door .

{ voice }
Need a friend?

{ Kayzha }
No September I should probably go inside .

I said walking off , when she grabbed my forearm stepping closer to me .

{ September}
Kayzha please let me explain myself . I know you don't wanna hear anything I gotta say but I need to apologize Anthony would've have wanted me to and been said I should have okay just listen you don't have to say anything okay

Even Anthony knew me better then this he would've known to tell her to get the fuck out my face .

{ Kayzha}
Listen whatever you gotta say I'm sure you mean it but I don't care to hear it right now I - I gotta go .

I walked off heading in the direction of dasia . When all of a sudden my ex girlfriend Tallulah walked in front of me smiling.

{ Kayzha }
Tallulah what you doing here bruh

{Kayzha ex girlfriend Tallulah}
Chill ma , I mean I heard about what happened I thought I'd come and support my baby .

She said laughing , causing me to mean mug her stepping back a little. She was one of the aggressive abuse ones .

If I even get close to her ass , I'll be inna grip I can't get out off regardless of who be the fuck around .

She noticed , I was mean mugging her and she immediately changed her tone of voice .

{ Tallulah}
What the fuck I tell you about looking so ugly , dont make me fix it for you matter off fact I gottcha after the funeral.

She said grabbing my waist causing me to freeze up and jump a little she giggled walking off . When all of a sudden my baby cousin walked up to me .

{ Kayzha baby cousin lala}
Favorite cousin you made it where you been we don't never see you around .

I smiled seeing her , she was one of the ones . I missed being around very polite and respectful.

When I was about to speak to her Mack walked up grabbing her hand walking off . I raised my eye brow sighing.

I saw dasia about to walk into her direction. When she walked off with somebody holding her hand , when she saw me heading her way.

I gave up tryna be around her . I was now scared and my people skills was very low .

I walked into the furneral passing people heading straight into the bathroom stall as the door closed behind me .

When the door came open behind me and I saw Tallulah , she was smiling . I raised my eyebrow in confusion looking around shaking my head .

I headed towards the sink , turning the water on washing my hands slashing water on my face ignoring Tallulah.

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