Chapter 006.

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Dasia started up the food , when we touched down in my houses . She thought it was best to bring the groceries to my house and cook .

While , we waited on the food dasia was cooking. We played my game in the living instead of my room.

I didn't know what dasia was cooking because she didn't let me in my own kitchen. But whatever she was cooking smelt good asf .

I placed the controller down on the table getting under my blanket on the couch . She looked at me laughing.

{ Dasia}
Damn you mad you losing already.

I kicked her on the floor she got up looking at me.

{ Kayzha}
No I am hungry I haven't eaten all day && i can't focus.

I pulled my blanket over my head and I felt her touch my ankle as she sat down.

{ Dasia}
Well mama the food is almost done eat a snack or something.

{ Kayzha}
I don't want a snack dasia leave me alone.

She laughed getting up heading into the kitchen to check on the food . When she comes back into the living room.

I was sleep on the couch, dasia change the channel going to B.e.t+ watching the house of Payne .

She gets underneath the blanket with me places my legs over her . While In her lap she watches the house of payne laughing.

Dasia wakes me up placing my plate on the table infront of me . I looked at her rubbing my eyes as I was still laying down comfortably.

{ Dasia}
Kayzha come on get up get your food before it gets cold

I mean mugged her getting up walking into my room , she started laughing . I slammed my room door laying across my bed going to sleep.

I heard the door open and Dasia walked in .

{ Dasia}
Ma you just said you was hungry now you not even tryna touch your food . I put it in the oven for you.

{ Kayzha}
You took to long leave me alone I'm tryna sleep .

I said mumble and she got closer to me leaning on my bed touching my back.

{ Dasia}
What mama's I didn't hear you .

When I didn't say anything she leans over me . Looking in my face noticing that my eyes are closed and she kisses me on my lips .

She leaves out the room closing the door softly.

2hr later
I walked into the living room and dasia is on her laptop with a notebook. I walked behind her and around the couch going to the other side to get to her .

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