Chapter 013

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Dasia home

{ Dasia }
Baby , why you not sleep ?

Dasia said , sitting up next to me grabbing my forearm looking at me .

I sighed looking at her .

{ Kayzha}
I - I can't sleep , I just keep thinking about ant . Like he real life gone dasia .

{ Dasia }
Baby I know it's real his funeral is this afternoon. You gotta get some rest baby .

I looked at her as I proceeded to lay back looking forward. She stayed sitting up looking at me .

{ dasia }
Bryson nem gone be there - no Kayzha what are you not telling me. You've been acting real quiet lately ev-

{ Kayzha}
JUST DROP IT IGHT - oh shit I d- I'm sorry baby.

I said sitting up looking at her , she chuckled getting up out the bed snatching her pillow.

As she looked at me I tried to grab her hand but she snatched away from me walking out the room softly closing the door.

{ dasia}
I'll be in the guest room , if you need me .

I laid in the bed for about 12mins . Before I decided to get out of the bed . I got out the bed heading down to dasia guest room .

I opened the door peaking inside. When I peaked inside dasia was asleep. I opened the door walking in softly closing the door.

I carefully got into the bed next to dasia . Soon as I laid beside her laying on her chest , I started to calm down hearing her heartbeat .

Within 7sec I fall straight asleep . In my sleep I felt her pull me closer putting the blanket over me as , she kissed my forehead going back to sleep .

{ Dasia}
I love you baby.

Dasia's Kitchen - Hallway

Waking up I noticed dasia was not in the bed next to me . I got up out the bed panicking looking for her calling her name .

{ Kayzha}
Dasia? DAS-

She walked upstairs eating a piece of bacon. Grabbing my waist eating more bacon.

{ Dasia}
Mamas I'm right her gawwdlee relax. I didn't wanna wake you so I let you sleep in , while I was downstairs cooking breakfast for us .

{ Kayzha}
You can't be doing shit like that bruh . Why you didn't wake me up to tell me .

{ Dasia}
I'm sorry baby I just thought you need extra sleep that's all I won't do it again.

She said with a concern look on her face kissing me . I kissed her back hugging her

{ Kayzha}
Thank you for being here for me. I love you.

333 || Kayzha Antisocial kid 🖤 Where stories live. Discover now