Chapter 005.

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While on the highway I got sleepy . Dasia was speeding like we got 9 lives blasting music. I just pulled my hoodie over my face . Leaning my seat back getting comfortable going straight to sleep.

Cause Dasia having the time of her life on this highway. Ain't no light or patrol cars out on this highway. Not shit but speeding cars going the same direction.

Im took my ass to sleep, I'm not tryna witness shit on this highway.

Dasia cut the music down looking over at me then the road . She touched me softly waking me up .

{ Dasia }
Kayzha what you talking about are you up or you was sleeping?

I mean mugged her and she laughed.

{ Dasia}
Yep yo ass was sleeping don't go back to sleep or I'm pop yo ass sit up .

She said turning the music up nodding her head . I ignored her I looked at my phone to check the time .

I leaned back down going back to sleep . When all of a sudden Dasia slapped my thigh hard as fuck . I screamed waking up rubbing my leg .

Pushing Dasia shoulder . She started laughing as she took a left then a right slowing the car down .

{ Kayzha}
What the fuck is wrong with you { voice starts breaking } why would you hit my leg that fucking hard .

I leaned the sit up forward as I rubbed my leg . Wiping my eyes trying not to cry as I took my seatbelt off .

{ Dasia}
You was talking in your sleep, I did tell you not to go back to sleep I was gon hit you. You hard headed baby . You hungry?

{ Kayzha}
Bruh fuck you.

I said and she stopped smiling as she moved her hand from my thigh . She looked over at me then the road place her hand in her lap .

As she picked up her phone looking at the time . I looked out the window rubbing my thigh. My thigh feel like it's on fire.

I should beat her ass but , we are on the highway. For what reason I have no idea . Why it didn't cross my mind . To ask her how the heck . We ended up on the highway in the first place.

{ Kayzha}
Dasia I'm hungry and why are we on the highway?

She didn't respond to me she just cut the music back up . I slapped her mouth softly looking at her as the music played .

She didn't jump or move a muscle. When I slapped her in the mouth softly. She just kept driving until she pulled into the store parking lot.

{ Kayzha}
Dasia I'm hungry take-

She cut the car off opening up the car door not looking at me.

{ Dasia}

I looked at her sitting back in my sit cause who the fuck she talking to she not talking too me . She waited for me but I didn't get out .

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