Chapter 004.

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3 months later
{ Tee }
Dee, comeeee onnnn

I was back around my cousin and his friends . Me and Dasia was already talking . So I was more comfortable around her and ant .

I just didn't like tee , she was always doing stupid shit . Tee walked up on Dasia rubbing on her . Bryson saw and said something to her .

{ Bryson }
Get the fuck over here tee , why you fucking playing with me .

Dasia pushed her walking up beside me .

{ Tee }
Bry shut up and Dasia don't start acting different ant come get your cousin .

I looked at her raising my eyebrow.

{ Kayzha}
I'm grown ant don't gotta get nothing and what I do ?

{ Dasia}
Yeen did nothing wrong zha ignore her .

{ Kayzha}
I know .

{Bryson }
Kayzha you and ant back talking, you know him and your moms had a falling out about you

{ Kayzha}
And ?

{ Tee }
And you need to fix that shit , they your family. You only get one mom Kayzha. Stop being a spoiled bitch .

{ Ant , Bryson and Dasia}
What the fuck

I looked at her laughing then looked at ant pointing to her , while I talked as Dasia went on the left side of me .

Tee was on my left side as Bryson yelled

{ Bryson }

{ Ant }
Tee chill this ain't got nothing to do with you mind your business. You don't know what you talking about

{ Tee }
I know Kayzha is a dumbass that don't speak to her mother from what you said ant , Ant you the one that said Kayzha was always in trouble and making up lies about shit

I got up looking at ant , I pulled my pants up . Then Dasia pulled me away from Ant and tee .

{ Dasia }
Wait y'all chill out , why y'all gaining up on Kayzha and Bryson you messy as fuck .

{ Kayzha}
Ant you lying on me and sneak dissing ?

{ Bryson }
I was just -

{ Ant }
It's not even like that baby cuzz , You wasn't just doing shit and tee shut the fuck up sometimes . That shit old as fuck I told you

{ Tee }
Whatever Ant and Dasia , I don't know why you holding her back she not crazy enough to hit me . I wish that hoe would .

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