Chapter 19.

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When I woke up I was thinking about dasia . She was on my mind that night .

I never wanted to leave her behind.

But , I couldn't bring her with me either . It was just something about her being rude to me.

That made me wanna kill her , plus what happened with my ex girlfriend at my cousins funeral .

I just knew , I couldn't face her with a straight face and tell her . I was taken advantage of that day .

I didn't wanna cause too much attention.

I can't believe my auntie just watch them abuse me and didn't say anything. I was already hurt by what dasia did to me that night . I fou- she was just on my mind . Just like any other day .

I never question anything that I did or decision that I made I love my choice .

I got up to check on mellow , he's still sound asleep . I made my way to my room laying down on my bed .

I decided that imma take Rico up on the Offer this afternoon. Rico always manage to get their way regardless of anything.

One thing about Rico is that Rico would respect me and my decisions. Doesn't push me around or allow anyone to do that as well , I'm glad Rico understands me .

Soon as I close my eyes , I went straight to sleep .

There was a knock on my door , I got up confused. When I opened the door dasia was standing infront of my door .

She grabbed my waist hugging me . I didn't say anything. All I could do was stand there .

I was in shock how did she find me . I literally made it impossible to find me . I think I did anyways , I wasn't always good at the disappearing trick .

I grabbed her wrist moving her hand . She looked at me stepping back .

{ Dasia }
Really Kayzha ? I can't hug you? I been all over the damn city searching high and low for you ...

{ Kayzha}
No you can't get a hug . I would appreciate it if you would not touch me .

{ Dasia }
Don't touch you- You didn't think to talk to me before you just up and left Kayzha! What happened at your cousin f-

{ Kayzha }
No , no you don't get to speak on ant . You left me knowing , Ian been around my family since college . I get I said something's I shouldn't but dasia . You went to far leaving and ignoring me .

{ Dasia }
I know , I wanted you to apologize and to feel how I felt that shit broke me baby.I shouldn't have left you like that I was wrong Kayzha

{ Kayzha}
Yeah , i guess I did huh ? Something happened at -

I woke up with mellow jumping on my bed . Lately , I've been a light sleeper . I looked around seeing , if I could see dasia but i didn't see her .

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