Chapter 16

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Tallulah was locked the bathroom door . When I looked up drying my hands . I nervously watched as I backed up looking at her .

{ Kayzha}
Uh you not see me standing right here . If you about to use the bathroom . Why lock me in if you finna smoke don't do it in here .

I walked in here direct about to unlock the door , when all of a sudden she pushed me into the stall closing the door behind her .

I started panicking a little bit.

{ Kayzha}
Yo this shit not funny let me outta here Tallulah, the fuck are you doing people Finna be looking for us .

{ Tallulah}
Kayzha you think I'm fucking stupid . Who finna be looking for you huh word been traveling about you you not even allowed here .

She started laughing getting closer to me pushing me into the wall grabbing my waist pulling my shirt out my pants touching my titties .

Ain't n-

I tried moving her hands but she grabbed my face with her other hand tight as she could I winced grabbing her hand holding back tears .

{ Tallulah}
Shut the fuck up , bitch if don't get your hands off me I'll break your fucking face try me .

I knew , she wasn't lying . So I immediately moved my hands . She pulled my pants down along with my white ethika's .

She started playing with my pussy as she kissed on my neck giving me hickeys . I immediately zoned out into my safe place .

Dasia pov .

I was mad at Kayzha for what she said so I was trying my best to ignore her ass . After about an hour , I didn't even see her no more . I think she left anyways I was talking to this female, she pretty but she not for me .

{ Dasia }
How long you and Anthony been friends ?

{ Nelly }
We've been friends for about 15 years on and off . I mean Anthony was good people , I just can't believe He's gone you know ....

She said about to cry , I just looked at her nodding my head . I stood up grabbing her hand .

{ Dasia }
Maybe we should head back the funeral is about to start inna about 3mins .

{ Nelly }
Yeah you right let's go

Kayzha pov
When Tallulah was done , I managed to zone back in , she laughed standing up .

I immediately got up fixing my clothes ignoring her . I was numb as fuck I was in shock still inside I was laughing hard as fuck .

{ Tallulah}
Damn you just gone zone out on me like that fuck I forgot how good your pussy was you good ? I don't care anyways I need you next week so be available and ready .

I wasn't listening , she noticed immediately grabbed my face decking me in my mouth covering my mouth so my scream would be muffled.

I grabbed her hand , she removed my hand aggressively kissing me . Sighing as she started looking down then back up .

{ Tallulah}
Look what you made me do in the lords almost house . Bro all you had to do was be nice and listen no attitude now you wanna be a little bitch .

She pushed me back into the wall stepping back adjusting her clothes . I looked at her un phase as my lip started bleeding.

{ Tallulah}
Bitch don't cry on me clean up and come out so you can see Anthony.

I love Anthony with all my heart . But I wasn't finna stay ever since I pulled up to the funeral shit been happening.

I scoffed , fixing my clothes as they were , when I cleaned my face everything up .

I walked out the bathroom and say Leah she looked at me shaking her head .

{ Kayzha girl cousin Leah }
Nasty ass hoe .

I walked pass her , when I walked out the church room was filled with people . I immediately started panicking about to head back into the back.

When Brandon grabbed me by my forearm smiling. Looking at me and people that was looking at us .

{ Kayzha boy cousin Brandon }
Oh no no no you don't come right out here and sit down you not hiding today  nasty ass girl

I tried to snatch away from him , but his grip was to strong . He pushed me down beside him and Tallulah.

I tried to ignore them looking straight ahead at the coffin . Tears start falling down . That's when Mack pushed me whispering.

{ Kayzha boy cousin Mack }
Wipe your fucking face . You don't get to fucking cry . You don't get to do this shit this all your fault wipe your face now Kayzha

I tried to stand up but both Mack and Brandon force me back down . Mack aggressively wiped my face . I looked over saw only to see my auntie was watching us .

When she noticed I noticed her she immediately looked away fanning her face .

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