Chapter 008.

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I sigh nodding moving her hand away lightly . She looked over again , pulling over .

{ Kayzha}
I just wanna go home now dasia .

{ dasia }
How come when I say I don't wanna talk about certain shit you shut down Kayzha.

{ Kayzha}
Just take me home dasia , me wanting to go home don't have anything to do with you I got work to finish.

She looked at me rubbing her leg adjusting her body .

{ dasia }
No we not going back home , we finna go get something to eat . Then we can go home . You won't see me for the rest of the day . I'll be over at Ants house.

I pulled my hoodie over my head tight the hood over my face so she can't see my face.

I looking out the window not saying anything . She sigh , trying to grab my hand .

I politely moved my hand away placing it underneath my hoodie .

{ Dasia }
Mmcht baby , what I say ?

I kept looking out the window , she started the car back up driving off . I stared out the window thinking about moving to California.

So I could be closer to my sister Yvette Mila Rowland . I love her , I haven't talked to her since the incident of her getting shot .

Meanwhile , I'm ready to get my test scores back . I've been nervously waiting.

When , we made it to the drive through window . I wasn't even asking to get anything at this point .

She ordered both of our food .
She placed the drinks in the cup holder .

I grabbed a random drink , drinking the drink . When all of a sudden I felt her stare at me . I adjusted my body looking ahead .

{ Dasia }
W-what about my mom .

She said , looking over at me , I didn't even nudge . I completely zoned out , but I heard . What she said I just didn't know how to speak up .

{ Kayzha}
I don't know ...

I gave her my phone unlocked. She looked at the text messages. Then back at me placing my phone in her lap .

I laid back in the car enjoying the ride . When dasia got a call , I fall asleep in the car .


When I woke up from my sleep , I was in a random neighborhood . I immediately looked over & noticed dasia was gone .

I started panicking people was walking around the car . Looking at the car trying to see inside . I made sure the door was locked .

I climbed in the backseat hyperventilating crying with my head in my lap covering my face . The window was let down a little so I could hear people talking .

All of a sudden , gunshots went of I jumped up looking around , i sat up removing my hoodie , so I could see when I leaned on the back of the seat to look in the ignition the keys was gone .

{ Kayzha}
Where the f- where is sheee

I said looking out the window shaking sitting back down . I started hyperventilating so much , I passed out .

To be continued update tonight or later 💕

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