Chapter 21.

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When it was all said and done with at the end of the night . Everybody but me was highly drunk .

So rico being a good friend let everybody stay the night . Of course everyone had their own guest room .

I didn't wanna be up stairs so , I stayed downstairs . Watching tv for a little while until I got sick of hearing the tv .

I turned the tv off laying down in pitch black. I grabbed my phone , when I grabbed my phone. I started thinking about dasia .

I still remember her number . I hope she didn't change her number  .

I dialed her number the phone instantly connected ringing.

{ tee }
Hello ? Who's this.

When all of the sudden , she answers . But when she answers it's not her voice.

It's tee's voice , my smile instantly faded away .

{ Kayzha}
Oh hey tee is dasia around.

{ tee }
Who's this ?

{ Kayzha }
This is Kayzha , tee is dasia around.

I asked again annyoned , she knew exactly who I was like be for real .

{ tee }
Oh HEY bookie butt , how you dip out on us and not tell us . But anyways I'm glad you left dasia finally came to her senses and ate this Pussy .

I hung up , when an 4 attachment comes through . They were attachments of dasia and tee .

One was her laying down ontop or dasia naked . The second was her eating dasia out and the third was dasia eating her out and the fourth was a video of them fucking .

I though my phone clean across the room in the dark . I don't even care , where my phone landed .

I laid my head down softly covering my face crying . I cried myself to sleep the one person that I hate and hate me you sleep with man .

6:00 am
Mornings at Rico's house

When I woke up everybody was in the kitchen speaking quietly and softly.

{ Kayzha}
G-Goodmorning everyone.

I said yawning, everybody turned around looking at me smiling.

{ Chazlynn , meek & Natalie }
Goodmorning Kayzha

{ rico }
Goodmorning babes , I see you finally decided to join us this beautiful morning.

I stood up grabbing the blanket folding the blanket heading towards the kitchen .

Rico was drinking coffee for breakfast . While everyone else was eating actual breakfast.

I lean on the counter looking at him .

{ Kayzha}
How come I didn't hear y'all get up .

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