Chapter 17

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After the funeral , I didn't even stick around . I left immediately , how I found my way home . I have no clue . I had called ahead to have my apartment cleaned.

Meaning all my furniture and shit was heading to my next location. Where I was moving , I made it back just in time to grab all my clothes.

I left everything behind such as my car and apartment key .

Dasia pov
After the funeral I started looking for Kayzha . I even asked around about her , here a few stories along the way.

Come to find out her family didn't like her that much . I don't know why I don't get that kinda vibe from her .

I came across somebody, that said she caught a ride from somebody unknown.

I immediately started calling her phone. No answer , I head towards the car getting In close the door.

Placing on my seatbelt calling her phone . When I called her phone it started ringing.

I looked around in the car , when I looked down on the passenger floor. I spotted her phone picking it up as I hang up my phone.

What the fuck -

I placed the phone on the passenger seat pulling out the space .

I was calm as ever driving. I start to feel guilty. I mean I know that she don't like being around people but I didn't care I just wanted her to feel what I felt in that moment.

{ Dasia }
She probably at home DAMN WHY I LEAVE HER

15 - 30 minutes later.

I signed sitting in the car , seeing my car was still parked where I left it was a relief.

Cause that means she ain't left in my car or left the place. I could talk to her and apologize.

I took the sit belt off getting out the car closing the door.

When I made it upstairs to open the door. I yelled her name immediately.

{ Dasia }

When I looked up taking the key out my hand . Closing the door behind me I froze all her things was gone .

I ran straight to the bathroom everything was gone . Her clothes everything I grabbed my phone about to call her only realized her phone in her car broke as fuck .

I sighed sitting down on the one step in the living room crying.

{unknown voices }
Hay , I'm looking for apartments 690

I ignored her , she sighs walking around. I got up closings the door locking it headings towards the refrigerator. The only place that had something in it .


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