Chapter 009.

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When I finally woke up . I looked around noticing that I was home in my bed . I got comfortable until I looked down seeing dasia.

She looked like , she had been crying . I got out the bed softly walking around looking at her . She looked up at me crying.

I hesitated to hug her , I walked closer hugging her . She hugged me back taking deep breath's crying.

{ Kayzha}
W-w-what's wrong dasia.

She continued to cry , laid my chin on top of her head kissing her head lay my head on top of her head gently rubbing her back and face .

{ Kayzha}
I'm here dasia stop crying you going to give yourself a headache... I said softly.

She nodded her head pulling me in her lap laying on my chest . I moved her hand getting up .

{ Kayzha}
Get on the bed wimmie... I said low

She grabbed my hand pulling me in bed with her . We immediately got on the bed . She waited for me to get comfortable.

When I got comfortable I reached for her . She immediately laid on my putting her hand up my shirt rubbing my stomach .

I wanted her to calm down . So I could question her but she wasn't calming down. We both laid in complete silent in the end . We both ended up falling asleep.

Dasia wake me up kissing on my neck . I smiled as she looked up at me.

{ dasia}
Take it off mamas.

I looked at her worried . She was just crying now . All of a sudden she wanna fuck . I know it all to well I used to do it .

{ Kayzha}
No Dee what's going on .

She sat up as if she was frustrated with where I had asked her .

{ Dasia }
Fuck Kayzha take that shit off damn . Why can't you just listen to me !!

I sat up looking at her crossing my legs . She looked back at me smacking her lips getting up .

{ dasia}
I'll be back to get the rest of my things .

Was all she said , when she got up I looked away confused laying back down . Ion asked questions when people wanna walk out my life .

They normally have reasons or lame ass excuses . I mean , I knew what I was doing . When I gave dasia a change to be with me .

After this ion give second changes that's just a rule I promises myself from destroying myself .

She looked at me making a face , I looked back answer her .

{ Kayzha}
Okay , you know where the door at dasia bye .

I said getting up pushing her out closing my room door . I went straight to the bed laying down . Soon as I hit the bed I felt so much anger.

I heard the front slam shut . I got up again heading straight to my closet grabbing my night clothes.

I grabbed my bonnet as well placing it on the bed . I started brushing my teeth as I turned the shower on . After finishing brushing my teeth . I got in the shower .


There was knock on the door , I opened my eyes looking over at the time . I rubbed my head fixing my bonnet .

I got out the bed putting on my slippers . The knock on the door grow louder . I sigh opening my room door heading downstairs.

When I got downstairs , I went straight to the front door . When I open the door it was the police along side an detective .

I fixed my robe as I immediately woke up as one of them looked at me then back at each other .

{ Detective mason }
Kayzha Rowland ?

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