Chapter 2

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"Okay, explain this to me again, how in the hell did you get personally invited to a driver party?" Ange asked me for the hundredth time, and I rolled my eyes at her as I put in some earrings.

We had gone back to our hostel after my run-in with Lando and Carlos which was about a fifteen-minute taxi drive from the paddock. Ange had not once stopped interrogating me since I said the two driver's names. We were both big fans of motorsport in general, but being invited to a Formula One driver party was insane and not something either of us dared to put on our bucket lists for the risk of disappointment.

Despite Ange's teenage dreams coming true, she ultimately decided not to come. She couldn't drink anyway with her pregnancy and was worried she might not be allowed into the club. Since she wasn't technically invited. I tried to convince her of course, there are always non-alcoholic drinks and Carlos had said that they were trying to fill up the club. But she'd opted out anyway.

Instead, her contribution to the event was picking my outfit, curling my hair, and picking my lipstick colour. Which I had promptly changed from the dark red she had picked and called 'sexy', to a more neutral pink. Dark red was her colour, not mine. I couldn't rock it like she could. Ange finished the last curl and once my hair was cooled she ran her hands through the rings to break up the curls a bit, spraying hairspray. I finished putting the backing on my earring and she stared at me in the mirror, waiting for my answer.

"Huh?" I questioned, forgetting what we were talking about for a moment. 

She levelled me with a glare. "You're hot B, you know that, I know that," I blushed. "You've got a waist smaller than my fricking wrist and those long model legs, despite being under six foot. But I'm sorry, how in the hell did you get invited to go out with drivers?"

I exhaled slowly. "I honestly have no idea, Lando just came up to me, and he was so excited he left out every actual detail, then Carlos came over to I think attempt to rescue Lando, but instead just gave me the club name and then chase after Lando who decided to run off almost directly after."

"That's hella confusing," Ange handed me my shoes. I was keeping my outfit relatively simple, Ange had given me one of her black dresses, a low square neck, and shorts. But, I had a pair of thin athletic shorts on underneath to be comfortable. I grabbed my small 'going out' purse I packed and kept my jewelry minimal, I didn't want to get robbed because I looked rich, but I couldn't deny that I still looked good.

"I'm the one going!" I replied to her, reaching down and doing up the ankle piece of my shoe. The short heel was my go-to. I could wear these heels for days. 

"Oh, boo hoo bitch. You get to go party with Formula One drivers, I'm the one stuck with a baby bump and a bunk bed." Ange seemed mad, but I knew she was just teasing me.

"A sexy ass belly bump may I add." She laughed at my comment. 

"I know, I rock it."

I smiled at my best friend and walked toward the exit to our small dorm-style room. "I'll be back later tonight."

"I better not hear you come back woman, I may have a baby daddy, but I'm not scared to admit over half the grid is baby daddy material"

I barked a laugh. "You disgust me."

"You love me." She winked. I shook my head, my smile still stuck to my face. I lifted my hand and waved as I walked out the door, vaguely hearing Ange yell something about using protection.

Once I was outside the hostel doors I was greeted by the cool desert air, it wasn't blistering hot like it was during the day, but cool enough that I considered going back inside for something to throw over my shoulders. That idea was scrapped however when a taxi came up the street, I knew better than to pass up the opportunity to hail it. In a busy place like this, it could take an hour to get another cab. Thankfully, the driver saw me and pulled over.

"Where to?" The man had a thick accent and the cab stunk like alcohol, I'm guessing I wasn't the first person he transported to or from a party tonight. Formula One was a pretty big deal in the host cities. 

"Edge Nightclub please, do you need the address?" I replied quickly. Cab drivers were different all over the world, some were super nice, and others were super crabby and always in a rush, so my default after travelling so much was to just be quick and polite with instructions. The man shook his head, turned up his radio and sped off down the road.

buildings flashed by in a blur, darkness now enveloping the landscape. Ultra-modern skyscrapers dug out of the sand and reached for the stars. and the moon, brighter than anything in the sky shone bright, illuminating the places where city lights were absent. 

Less than ten minutes later the taxi driver came to a stop outside the doors of a huge club. No wonder he didn't need the address, this place was huge. A bright fluorescent sign reading EDGE lit up the sidewalk outside. The building itself had to be at least two stories tall. I quickly paid thanked the driver and got out of the cab. The building had so many lights, all flashing different colours and I could hear the music coming from inside. It looked amazing, but the excitement I was feeling quickly vanished when I saw there was a lineup around the building. A very long line. 

"Damn it," I said aloud and made my way toward the end of the line. I had gotten ready, I looked good and paid for the cab, I wasn't going to back out now. Ange would kill me if I passed up this opportunity because the lineup was too long.

I walked around the corner of the building and there were even more people, although they weren't in line, they were just gathered around the few cars that were parked there. When I looked more closely, I realized why. There was a bright orange and a black McLaren 720, an all-black Ferrari Spider, and multiple different Mercedes, one of them being a G-Class.

"Well, I'm definitely in the right place," I mumbled to myself. 

"You are." I heard a voice come from my left and jumped. My shoulders almost hit my ears. Spinning, I turned to find Carlos and his girlfriend Isa, who I recognized from her Instagram, which I follow. 

"Hi." What else am I supposed to say? Oh my god, what do I even do right now? Carlos just chuckled and continued.

"This is Isa, my beautiful lady." Isa blushed at Carlos and put her hand out toward me.

"Blake, nice to meet you," she said.

"Nice to meet you too," her smile was wide and friendly. "I am going to assume the boys did not tell you their plan they have been scheming since pre-season testing?"

Carlos sighed. "Lando's plan."

"You're going along with it, so it's your plan too," She jokingly scolded. Carlos raised his hands in mock surrender. 

"All I know is something about Cupid? I'm assuming that has something to do with a plan but yeah, I don't know about any plan." I hope Isa elaborates

Isa just laughed. "I'll let Lando fill you in, I think Carlos is just making sure Lando doesn't step out of line. And translating the kid when he gets too excited. I'm pretty sure Carlos is the only one who understands him when he gets excited, I swear he has some undiagnosed ADHD." I laughed lightly, inclined to agree.

"So, not my plan?" Carlos teased, sounding slightly victorious. Isa shook her head. 

"Your plan by association."

Nervously, I look around. A crowd started to gather around us when people started to recognize Carlos, and although most of them seemed pretty respectful of boundaries I could tell both Carlos and Isa didn't want to get swarmed by the way they both started to look toward the entrance to the club. Carlos motioned to me in a 'come on' motion. My feet kicked into motion and I walked beside the two. 

"Come on, I have to introduce you to Oscar," Carlos said, showing himself towards the entrance. I turned towards the end of the line, not wanting to overstep by asking to skip the line with them. I felt a slender hand reach mine and looked up to see Isa.

"Don't be stupid," she said. "If I have to release you to Lando and his schemes, I am not letting you wait in line."

I smiled and chuckled a bit, letting Isa guide me to the VIP doors. I already liked Isa.

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