Chapter 3

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This club was giant. I mean. Huge. 

As soon as Carlos, Isa and I reached the door the security guard recognized Carlos and let us in. After we walked into the club the amount of flashing lights and blaring music overwhelmed my senses and I felt instantly more comfortable. Whether it was Lando's plan or not, this place was packed and the smell of sweat and spilt liquor along with the sticky heat felt like every other club and for a minute I could forget a Formula One driver invited me. By far this is the nicest club I've ever been in.

Carlos yelled something over the music but I didn't hear him, thankfully Isa still had a death grip on my hand and I was soon following the couple up a set of narrow stairs to the second floor. Or, a loft area. We passed a second security guard and it was then I realized I was being led to the VIP area.

Holy shit.

We reached the top of the stairs and Isa released my hand and offered me a smile. I looked around. I assume it's standard, but the VIP section of the club had its bar and was more dimply lit than the dance floor below, visible over a small railing. But this could also be unique to this club, I've never been in the VIP section of a club, let alone cared to snoop. 

There were a few large booths that lined the walls, and a large area of floor in the middle flooded with people. Gosh, I feel like royalty being up here. Thankfully everyone looked in a similar dress to me. So my brief research of the club earlier had paid off. The mini skirt and cropped tee wouldn't have worked but the dress I'm wearing fit in perfectly. All the booths and tables looked full of drivers, team members and their significant others. I recognized more than a few faces. I felt my anxiety beginning to creep in. I was a total outsider, despite dressing like I wasn't. 

"I am going to get a drink, Lando is over there," Isa said and pointed to one of the booths on the far side of the room, he was sitting in the end seat so I recognized him right away. "What do you want to drink?"

"Oh, it's okay Isa, I can buy my own drink," I replied.

"Honey, Carlos gets them basically free. I'm just getting one for later," Isa said cheekily, winking at me.

I laughed. "Just a vodka soda with lime, please. Thanks."

"Be right back!" Isa said over the music, motioning me towards Lando while heading in the direction of the bar. Well, here goes nothing.

Thankfully enough people were standing and chatting in the middle of the room that I didn't look completely like I was beelining for Lando's table. Because I was. I planned to walk slowly and catch the breath that had since left me, but I managed only two before Lando saw me. He waved me over to the table, and not wanting to look rude I made haste in his direction.

"Blake!" Lando said, "Over here!" I acknowledged him with a nod and continued walking.

"I'm glad you made it," Lando said as he moved over to the booth, making space for me to sit on the end. If I hadn't been so focused on walking to the table, not tripping, and not looking panicked I might've recognized who exactly I was sitting with. 

Max Fewtrell, Daniel, Alex and Lily sat in the booth. And of course, Oscar who to my luck was sitting right across from me. The very person Lando and Carlos are playing Cupid with tonight. 


How did I not realize it before? 

Lando was playing damn Cupid with me. I knew it was some kind of love game or bet. But I'd dared to put 'party with f1 drivers' on my bucket list before showing up tonight. Not play a part if some damn welcome to the paddock love game with them. 

I prayed that I was misinterpreting the situation and put my worries aside. Even if that's what tonight ends up being, it will be one hell of a story to tell Ange tomorrow. "Sorry if I'm late," I said, hoping I wasn't, we didn't exactly set a time.

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