Chapter 32

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I think it's safe to say this weekend was the smoothest things have gone at a race weekend for Oscar and I ever. Azerbaijan was beautiful, the race went moderately well for the Mclaren team. And Charles didn't have to call himself stupid at all throughout the weekend.

Not to mention I could somewhat relax with Mark not being in attendance, and both Lily and Isa were there to spend the time with in between sessions. It was the first time I felt like a part of the group and not some outsider everyone had to question why they were there. I guess confirming Oscar and I's 'relationship' over social media a month ago was the right move.

Oscar and I have just gotten back from the track after the race and we still had an hour to kill before heading to the club to meet up with the few drivers that are going tonight. So, while Oscar showered I spent some time on my laptop, catching up on some emails and adjusting my Instagram and other social media platforms to filter or block some of the hate comments I am still getting. I could hear the shower still running on the other side of the wall as I scrolled through my emails, most of it was junk and I was deleting it accordingly, but I paused my finger on the touchpad when I saw one that obviously wasn't spam.



Hello Blake!
My name is Jen, and I'm the head agent at central models. I reviewed the profile you sent in last week and would love to meet up with you. I asked some of our girls about you, I see from your Instagram you know some of them and they talked about you in high regard. You mentioned in your profile you live predominantly in Canada so my main question for you is are you willing to travel? Our agency is based in Portugal but we have offices in Monaco, Paris, Los Angeles and Cairo. If things go well, you can work out of whichever office is most convenient to you and those agents will help you with callings in that area.
My schedule is unfortunately very full this coming week I would however be available to meet the following week in either the Monaco office at the beginning of the week or our main office later in the week.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Jen Forester.

I couldn't help my excitement. I placed my laptop down beside me on the nightstand and gave into my childhood excitement tactic of jumping on the bed.

"What is going on in here?" I was startled when Oscar spoke and stopped my jumping, frozen like I had been caught doing something terrible. His tone was humourous.

Slowly I turned around on the bed so I was facing him. He had his arms crossed, showing off the toned muscles of his arms. His hair was still wet from the shower, and the only thing that covered his skin was a towel, loosely tied around his waist. Tied lowly and loosely around his waist. I sat down on the bed not just because I was embarrassed he caught me jumping around like a toddler, but because I wasn't sure my knees would hold. Words, right? Speak Blake. I reminded myself.

I cleared my throat. "I just got an email back from Central Models, that modelling company I told you I sent a profile into. The head lady wants to meet with me the week after next."

"What? Blake that's amazing!" Hold on let me put on some clothes so I can hug you." I smiled and laughed a little as he held his towel and walked quickly back into the bathroom. Oscar and I haven't talked about what I admitted in Melbourne or our kiss. Thankfully there was only a slight amount of awkwardness between us. Somehow, I have no idea how we managed to stay friends. I think both of us settled on forgetting about it.

Quickly as he left, Oscar returned, still not wearing a shirt, but shorts were covering his lower half now, rather than the towel. I went to stand up off the bed but before I could escape the messed up sheets and mess of pillows he was on top of me. And damn my broken heart, I was laughing.

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