Chapter 40

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I rolled over in the bed and the weight of Oscar's arm remained around my waist. It was still early in the morning, I could tell purely from the light dancing off the walls of Lando's spare bedroom without even looking at the clock. The bed was warm, and so was the morning light and the body lying beside me. Oscar is still asleep, his hair messy and fanned over his forehead, and the gentile peace of sleep washed over his features. Last night was unexpected sure, but thinking back now, as most books put it, morning after thoughts, it was both of us reaching a breaking point. I've known Oscar for long enough now to know he goes cold when he feels too much, I just learned to not push him in fear of breaking my own heart again. And I, not wanting to get my heart broken again went cold too. Last night I think we both tired of the act and let things be how they are. He and I, together. Hot. We lay there for a while, Oscar was asleep and I was barely awake waiting for the day to begin when Oscar began to stir, his arm tightening around my waist I smiled and pulled myself closer into him.

"Good morning" Oscar spoke, sleep heavy in his tone to break the silence. A sleepy smile passed over his lips.

I smiled into my words "Good morning".

Something like a groan escaped Oscar as he pulled me into him and buried his head in my shoulder. He didn't seem to care that all of our clothes remained on the floor and not our bodies. "I'm not ready for Lando to show up, I want this to last a bit longer, just me and you."

I went soft in his grasp at the sincerity in his tone. In truth, I didn't want our little vacation to come to an end either. "We've got all the time in the world," I said.

Another groan came out of Oscar and then another moment passed as we just held each other in the fleeting morning sun. Oscar took a deep breath and released his hold on me to stretch. The movement made the blankets shift and instinctively I grabbed at them to cover myself. Oscar turned his head to look at me, his eyes showing him more awake now than a few minutes ago.

"You don't have to cover yourself up love, I've seen it all." Oscar's tone was humourous.

I felt my cheeks flush red hot "I know." Oscar smiled and moved to retrieve his boxers from the bedroom floor. Shamelessly I didn't look away. "you don't have to cover yourself up either" I fired back at him cheekily, still holding the blankets up.

Oscar laughed and turned to face me, boxers sitting low on his hips. "I know, but I don't want to traumatize Lando when he walks in the door in an hour."

"Fair point, wouldn't want to scare him off."

"Scare him off?" Oscar laughed, walking over to me and leaning over the bed. "I take that back maybe I do." Oscar brought his face closer to mine and leaned in and our lips met. Casual, like it was meant to be. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. I reached up and brushed my fingers through his hair, bringing him closer to me. Oscar's hands moved to brace himself on either side of my head and it was my turn to groan.

"Fuck," Oscar said, releasing my lips. "Lando gets here in an hour and I need coffee in you before that so stop kissing me like you do or Lando's going to end up without any dignity."

I laughed. "I think about a thousand different Mclaren math's just happened there that I don't understand but I trust you."

"Mclaren maths?" Oscar questioned, confused.

"Yeah," I said, laying back into the pillows. "I came up with it, it seems all the drivers past and present at McLaren have this weird way of making things make sense. By saying or doing things that don't make sense."

"Explain?" He laughed, pausing his movements towards the coffee machine to lean against the doorframe and listen to me explain.

"Take how we met, for example," I started, laughing slightly to myself. "Carlos and Lando flagged me down randomly in Bahrain just to play cupid because you needed commitment to something."

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