Chapter 17

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Lando and Oscar both ended up leaving Oscar's driver's room around the same time but I decided to stay and relax for a minute. The chair at the small desk is comfortable and I was definitely still feeling the jet lag. 

Taking a few minutes to myself alone in the room I allowed myself to think. Especially about tonight. Yes, Zak would be there, but who else? Does Zak have a wife? What other people would be there? I would think if Oscar and I had been dating for a while I might know if Zak had a wife, and I should at least know at a minimum what her name was, especially if she was going to be there.

The more I thought, the more I stressed out and I started researching the McLaren team. I tried to memorize the names of a few people, but I have always been terrible with names. Quickly, I found myself wishing Isa was here so I had someone to ask questions about how to deal with tonight. She probably knew what to expect at team dinners and if what I packed to wear was appropriate. How much I was expected to participate in the conversation? Is it a speak-only-when-spoken-to kind of situation?

God, I sound like something out of a medieval romance book. 'Speak only when spoken to. Be a lady' or something like that. I know I'm overthinking things, but was it really wise for me to be meeting the man in charge of Oscar's career two weeks after we met? Panicking, I grab my phone out of my purse and pulled up Ange's contact.

I'm meeting Zak tonight. Any tips? I text

The few minutes it took for her to reply felt like ages. That's all you give me?? B. You've been MIA for two DAYS how is Oscar??

I have texted you updates.

You sent the required amount of texts to let me know you're still alive.


That's different and you know it. Have you two talked? Are you at least friends?

I think so, he gave me a tour of the Mclaren building this morning before Lando freaked out at us.

There are a few gaps in that story babe.

I laughed. Sorry, Lando as you know, tried to set Oscar and I up in Bahrain. Like to actually date. So he was confused about why I was here when the last he knew it didn't work out. Then he saw Twitter after we walked into the paddock together, all the dating rumours confirmed and stuff. So Basically, Lando almost busted us when he yelled at us for how stupid we are. Mostly Oscar. But yeah. Not busted so I guess that's a win.

That's a lot. Forget Pierre being on all the F1 gossip pages, I think Lando's on them.

Yeah maybe. He's brought up meeting Zak though, that's why I texted you I need some advice I don't know what to expect.

The typing bubble came up and disappeared a few times on Ange's side before her next text came through. Do you remember when I met Caleb's parents and I was scared to death for a week prior?

Yeah, you changed your clothes eight times in the ten minutes before you left for dinner. I remember muting myself on Facetime because I was laughing so hard.

Rude but besides the point. I overthought all of it. What I would say, wear, ask them about, but everything I thought of didn't even matter. They liked me from the moment I was nice to the waitress at the restaurant.

I don't think it's going to be that simple tonight. No offence.

Well, maybe not, but at least you only packed one fancy dinner outfit so you don't have to change eight times.


Just be yourself B. You're a good person and as soon as Zak sees that he's not going to question why Oscar chose you. Fake or not.

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