Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sounds of Oscar rummaging through his suitcase. I have always been a light sleeper, it never takes much to wake me up. My eyes were full of their usual morning blur as they struggled to focus in the morning sunlight streaming through the blinds. Oscar was grabbing what I think was his team kit for the day, all I could see was the colour orange.  I glanced over to the clock on the nightstand and the digital numbers displayed. It's just after seven in the morning.  Remembering the pickup time this morning was eight to get to the paddock I groaned and begrudgingly made the decision not to go back to sleep 

"Morning," I said to Oscar, my voice groggy with sleep.

Oscar stood up from his suitcase on the floor and smiled. "Morning, sorry if I woke you."

"No, it's okay, I should be getting up anyway," I replied and sat up in the bed. Oscar nodded and crossed the room to the bathroom.

I rolled over lifted the warm blankets off my legs and made the climb out of the comfiness that was that bed. I left my phone plugged in on the nightstand and went to my suitcase to collect my clothes once Oscar was finished in the bathroom. 

I had spent three days planning out clothes for this trip. Well, it took me only one day to pack, but I spent two days after initially packing my bag second-guessing everything I zipped inside it. No matter, I ended up with perfectly planned outfits because over half my closet was in my suitcase. I pulled out something to wear today and tossed it on the bed behind me. The act of pulling out the clothes tossed a few other things open in my suitcase and the top I'd planned to wear to dinner tonight became visible. 

Shit. My heart lurched into my throat. I'd almost forgotten about dinner tonight. Oscar was going to introduce the team to me tonight and show off our fake relationship for the first time. And god, I had to meet Zak. The most important person Oscar and I have to convince is that this relationship is real. No pressure, we only met what, two weeks ago?

I heard the bathroom door open so I shut my suitcase. With slightly unsteady hands I grab my clothes off the bed grab my bathroom bag and look up at Oscar. He'd changed into a McLaren team shirt and a pair of black joggers both with the number eighty-one adorned on the fabric. His hair was messy, it still looked like it did when he climbed out of bed but he looked wide awake. I knew I only looked that awake after at least one cup of coffee.

"Breakfast?" Oscar proposed. I shook my head and motioned to my body. As much as my pyjamas were comfortable, I couldn't go to breakfast in them. Oscar seemed to clue in and his cheeks went pink. He looked sheepish, "Sorry after you're ready."

I chuckled "I'll be quick." He nodded and took a seat on his bed as I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. 

I was quick, I washed my face and put on some light makeup. My hair wasn't greasy but I pulled it up anyway into a ponytail, letting a few of the shorter layers fall out around my face. I doubt keeping my hair down in the desert would keep me cool. My clothes were comfortable but simple. I wore a long and flowing summer-like skirt with a subtle pattern and a patternless cropped top which was the matching colour. I bought it so long ago that I don't even remember where I got it but it still looked brand new. I brushed my teeth and then took one final look in the mirror. Sometimes crop tops made me uncomfortable but I found myself liking how I looked. I smiled at my reflection. I can do this.

When I opened the bathroom door Oscar was still sitting on the bed. He looked up from his phone and looked at me, his eyes widening. I guess I was quick, at least fast enough that it surprised him.

"Ready for some food?" I asked. Oscar cleared his throat and got up from the foot of the bed.

"Yep," he said, walking towards the TV stand and grabbing his passes for the paddock and garages off of it. "Here," he said and handed me a paddock pass as well as one that would let me into his garage. "I get a few free ones every race to give to whomever I want, so don't stress that it costs anything." He seemed to read my mind, I knew I would be in the paddock with him, but I didn't expect him to go the extra mile of having me in his garage.

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