Chapter 43

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***Trigger Warning: Violence and mentions of SA***

Oscar's POV.

My feet made their way across the dancefloor to where I saw Blake a few minutes ago. Only she wasn't there anymore. I spotted Lily and Alex dancing close to Kelly and Max and made my way through the crowd towards them.

"Hey?" I said loud enough so they could hear me over the music. "Have you guys seen Blake?"

Max shook her head and Lily and Kelly exchanged a look. Both respectively breaking away from their partners.

"I'll check the bathroom." Lily volunteered.

Kelly nodded. "I'll check the VIP area."

Alex, Max and I all exchanged a look and Kelly turned to us. "No woman should ever go missing in a club, it's probably nothing, but on the chance it isn't" Kelly trailed off and Max motioned the the walled-off VIP area, Alex followed Lily. My heart rate picked up. She was here a second ago she couldn't have gone far. I walked or, more so, ran over to the front door and asked the bouncer if he had seen her and I got a firm no. Lily returned from the bathroom with Alex and I looked at her to see her shaking her head. When Max and Kelly returned a second later it was the same. Panic began to overtake my senses, where could she have gone?

Then I heard my name.

"Oscar!" it was Lando. "Where the hell is Blake?" He looked genuinely scared which only made me go cold.

"We don't know," I said and I watched in horror as the colour drained completely from Lando's face.

"Fuck, everyone spread out we need to find Mark," Lando said and he started walking. I could tell the others were confused, and so was I but I didn't care about my manager now I needed to find Blake.

We all split up and walked the perimeter of the entire club, having all already checked the main areas she might be we looked for dark booths and corners, Max even looked behind the bar, which got him a rude telling off from the very busy bartender. Then Lando started down a hallway. It strictly said 'employees only' but at this point, there wasn't much of anywhere left to hide so I followed him. Soon after our friends noticed where we were and followed us down the hallway. I ran my hands through my hair. Out of the noise of the music I tried to think. Did she go back to Lando's and not tell me? For fucks sake I fucked up again, somehow some way I messed something up and she's gone.

There was a scream from down the hallway but it was quickly muffled, so fast that if the music was louder I would've missed it.

I didn't care. I took off running towards the sound. I didn't check to see if my friends were behind me but I heard their footsteps on my heels.

The scream came from a supply room, it must have, this is the only room down here.

The door was light and it swung open easily.

Then I saw him over Blake and I saw red.

Mark. Someone I have trusted with my life, and with my career for almost ten years. 

Mark felt lighter than the door when I grabbed him and threw him off of her. He didn't have a chance to say a word and I barely registered the sting as my knuckles continued to split further, over and over. I barely felt the hands that attempted to pull me off him. I barely felt my body at all. Rage, anger, sadness all of the strongest, terrible emotions raged through me.

"No, no stay awake B." I heard Lily say from behind me. That's what made me release him.

I couldn't, didn't say anything as I got up from where I was over Mark and walked over to Blake. Her face was covered in her mascara and her neck was red as if he had been choking her. Alex's light coat covered her legs and gently I wrapped the loose fabric around her before slipping my arms under her knees and across her shoulders. 

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