Chapter 19

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Free practice two went a little less smoothly for Lando than I think he would've liked with some mechanical issues three-quarters of the way through. But Oscar managed a few long runs, both of which I couldn't tear my eyes off the screen for even if I tried to for the duration of the stints. Practice sessions had never been so interesting. 

Lando was in the garage, I didn't get to see him after he got out of the car but with free practice coming to an end I watched patiently as Oscar and his car got wheeled into the garage. There wasn't any joyful or depressed atmosphere in the garage. The cars and both drivers had performed as expected, minus the mechanical failure of course. I don't think anyone was too surprised at the eighth and fiftieth positions on the timing chart. 

I watch as the mechanics in Oscar's side of the garage move around the car, attaching things and disconnecting others. A smile came to my face when I saw one of the mechanics was a woman. She looked super badass with tattoos covering both of her arms. I stayed where I was in the garage stood behind the line that I wasn't allowed to cross, waiting for Oscar.

When he got out of the car he immediately spent some time speaking with both his engineer and then a few mechanics. The garage was loud with chatter so I couldn't make out either of the conversations but Oscar looked focused as well as happy. Or maybe optimistic. 

I watched how his fireproofs stuck to his torso, how his hair was messy but somehow perfectly messed up from the helmet. It was what I think could be considered bed hair. There are red lines that indent his skin on his cheekbones from the tightness of his helmet which hollowed out when he drank from his water bottle. Something about seeing him still didn't feel like real life. Oscar must have sensed me staring at him because, despite his engineer still speaking with him, he looked over at me. I felt my cheeks heat in the slight embarrassment of being caught staring but he only smirked before turning back to his engineer.

Great. Could I be more creepy? 

I saw Mark and some of the Sky Sports personnel outside the garage, cameras pointing in and I froze when the cameras pointed directly at Oscar. He took notice, giving a little wave to the camera, but didn't so much as flinch. I did though. I could see the camera directly. They showed Oscar, I would definitely be in the background of the shot. 

I tried to forget the camera's existence and it worked when I just focused on Oscar's engineer, trying to lip-read what he was talking about with Oscar. The Sky Sports cameras didn't move for a few more minutes, while Martin Brundle described and assessed some of the new editions to the Mclaren front wing. I knew about some of the new small upgrades coming this weekend for McLaren just from overhearing Oscar and Mark at breakfast this morning, some of which were on the front wing. And being as the rack that held the two spare front wings sat just inside of the team's 'do not cross' line, Martin Brundle essentially had full access to share as much as he pleased.

I looked up from the front wings and out of the corner of my eye I saw Oscar begin to walk towards me. With his water bottle in his left hand, he reached up to cup my right cheek and pulled my body into his. I wrapped my arms around him, reciprocating the hug as he lowered his lips closer to my ear. He spoke so low I knew nobody could hear.

"Can I kiss your cheek?" he asked. I could tell he was nervous and particularly shy about asking. I could see the cameras shift from the different displayed car parts to Oscar and I. I nodded, opting to not speak. Truthfully, I didn't think I could. 

Oscar's breath fanned my cheek for a moment. His lips quickly meet my cheekbone. Warmth spread from the spot of the light kiss, down my neck and warmed my chest. The entire interaction was quick enough I wondered if the cameras panned up in time, but for me, it felt like slow motion. Both of us withdrew and matching shy smiles graced our cheeks. His cheeks were red, and I'm not entirely sure it's from today's practice sessions. 

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