Chapter 47

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***Mature Content***

My back hit the pink queen bed softly as Oscar laid me down across it. Our bodies were still wet from the ocean, sand still lightly stuck to our feet, and our towels took up space somewhere on the floor. Oscar's body followed mine to the bed and I took the liberty of running my hands all over his chest and stomach.

My chin tilted slightly up and our lips met as my fingers ran down the lines on his chest, circling lower, tracing the angled lines leading to the drawstring on his wet shorts. A low groan escaped his lips. The sound sent butterflies through my stomach, and lower.

Oscar paused, pulling our lips apart and his words were breathless. "B, is this okay?"

"Yes," I whined. I moved to kiss him again but he smiled and pulled back slightly, playing with me. "Please baby," I whined.

Oscar smirked, before kissing me and withdrawing again. Oscar lowered his lips to my ear. I could feel his breath on my cheek when he spoke lowly. "Please what love?"

I moaned when his hand moved aside the thin fabric covering my chest, his thumb circling and teasing the sensitive nipple. Oscar's lips came to my neck and he kissed until he found the spot that sent a shiver down my spine and goosebumps across my skin. He smelt like the sea, and so distinctly him. I moaned again and Oscar lowered his hips to mine, letting me feel exactly what he wanted. I moaned and my hips rolled involuntarily.

I felt my way back up his body and brought Oscar's face back to mine. And damn if I couldn't get drunk on his lips. He still tasted like salt, the water not dried on his skin and dripping from his hair, I moved my hands and pulled lightly at the thick brown strands. Tangling my fingertips and pulling him closer. Oscar's tongue dragged across my lower lip and I happily obliged him. Getting lost in his lips, in the taste of him.

Oscar groaned when I rolled my hips, needing to feel him. Even though only a few thin layers were separating us if we kept kissing each other like this, I wouldn't be able to take it much longer. We put off letting ourselves be like this for months. We had a lot of catching up to do.

Oscar pulled apart our lips and I could tell he was about to talk again and I felt the blush rise to my cheeks. I shifted my weight and Oscar let out a surprised gasp when I flipped him onto his back, his head falling into the pillows. His lips were swollen, mine were probably the same and I sat up to look at him. How my legs fell on each side of his hips, how there wasn't an inch of fat, so it seemed, on his entire body. The blush rose to my cheeks when I drew my eyes from his chest to his eyes. Oscar was staring at me. Not my skimpy clothes, my body. Me.

I smiled. And ran my hand lower until my fingers brushed the top of his shorts and I lowered my face to his neck, lips brushing his ear. "Please fuck me," I whispered.

I felt the goosebumps rise on his skin and Oscar groaned and sat us up, our hips still locked together and now our chests flushed. "Just because you asked so nicely." He said against my lips.

Oscar smiled into the kiss and I felt my bikini top release as his fingers found the tie at the back. I pulled away only long enough to pass the strap around my neck over my head and then his lips were on mine again. Oscar's hands held me to him, our chests together as he kissed a line from my lips, down my neck until his grip loosened to make space for his lips on my chest.

A breathless moan escaped me and my head tipped back as his tongue circled my peaked nipple. His other hand circled and lightly pinched the other sending shivers down my spine. He switched sides, giving the same pleasure to the other side and I ran my fingers through his hair, lightly pulling at the strands. Oscar moaned and I felt the vibration down to my core. Oscar's lips returned to my neck, this time the other side and I realized then what he was doing.

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