Chapter 41

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"Let's go bitches!"

It was Lando who yelled from the other side of his apartment. Quickly, knowing he wanted to leave ten minutes ago I finished filling in my lips with my lipstick and moved to the bed in the spare bedroom to secure the strap of my heel around my ankle. I chose to wear a nicer, fancier dress tonight. It was all black with a square neckline and a subtle corset-like detailing around my middle and the length came to my mid-thigh, There was a small slit up my left leg which made me question if I should've added a stitch after I bought it but I had no time to do so now. Since apparently this was the biggest club in Monaco we all agreed to dress up a bit. Lando had said 'Wear what you want' so I googled it earlier. It wasn't a casual-look kind of place. I heard some rustling outside the spare bedroom door before Oscar came through the opening. His face was lit up and he looked happy. A look I haven't seen on him in what feels like a very long time.

"Ready to go?" he asked, walking closer to the bed where I was sitting, trying and failing to get the left strap done up on my shoe. He noticed. "Let me."

I couldn't help the little puff of defeat when I gave up and let Oscar do up the strap and miniature buckle. I tried to think of him just doing up the shoe like it was as simple as that. And I was mostly successful, that was until he finished the clasp, and put my foot down from his knee, sliding his finger up the inside of my calf, then thigh.

"Os." My breath came out a little heavier than I would've wanted.

A devilish smile spread across his cheeks. "Yes love?" he said. Teasing. That fucking nickname is going to be the death of me.

Somehow, I manage words. "Lando's waiting for us." My voice was barely above a whisper, our faces inching closer as Oscar's hand drifted to the side of my hip, then my waist, pulling me to him.

"That I am!" Lando yells, definitely louder than what's necessary, from somewhere outside the door.

Oscar lowers his head and laughs, his hair, messily done falls over his forehead and I run my fingers through it, pushing it back. The movement causes his head to rise and I place a gentle kiss on his lips. "Come on, let's go before Lando throws a temper tantrum," I say a bit louder than I needed to, knowing Lando would hear.

"Heard that asshole!"

"You were meant to!"

Oscar and I both laugh and he offers his hand to help me up from the bed. We are both almost to the door when Oscar steps in front of me quickly, placing his hands on my hips again, and pulling me to him. I look up and my eyes meet Oscar's. There is nothing but love that fills them. "You look beautiful Blake, so, goddamn beautiful."

I can't help my blush as he releases my hips and we exit the spare bedroom and walk down the short hallway to the main living area of Lando's apartment.

Lando is standing by the door, leaning against the wall beside it looking at something on his phone. He looks good, dressed in a tighter-fitting white linen shirt and nice dress pants, even dress shoes, which was something I thought he hated. He looks up when we walk up to him and his eyes widen as he looks at both Oscar and me. "Did you idiots plan that?" he asks laughter in his tone.

"Plan what?" Oscar asks as we look at each other. That's when I realized.

Lando laughs. "You two are wearing the same things you were the night you met." He is laughing now as Oscar and I both turn to each other, pause for a moment, and then start laughing too. After all, this was my favourite dress, although last time I had finally dressed it down from this time, Oscar the same, we were wearing the same thing we were in Bahrain.

"You two were meant for each other" Lando continues laughing as he turns to unlock the apartment door, Oscar and I both following him out into the hallway and the parkade. I beat Oscar to shotgun in the Jolly and before we know it we are driving through the warm Monaco evening air on our way to the club.

When we pulled up to the entrance Oscar helped me out of the car, even though I didn't need any, and for a moment I thought it was for the cameras I spotted across the street when we pulled up, but I looked at him and he smiled. A genuine smile, not one of the fake ones he mastered so well and ease falls over my shoulders. He places his hand on the small of my back as we head towards the club. Parking was tight, so we ended up having to walk a block but I could already hear the music in the distance so I wasn't too worried.

"So who is all coming anyway?" I ask Lando who is only a few steps in front of Oscar and I.

He doesn't turn but his voice is excited. "Carlos, Max and Kelly, Alex and Lily, Charles and his new girlfriend, George and Carmen, there's a few more but it's basically everyone."

Well, at least it's not just Lando and Oscar that I'll know. "Sounds fun."

"Oh," Oscar pipes up. "I invited Mark too, he landed last night."

My blood runs cold and I make an effort to force my face to stay neutral as I see Lando spin around in front of us and shoot me a concerning look. We've just arrived at the door to the VIP separate entrance so thankfully Oscar misses it. I try and tell Lando with my eyes I'll be fine. But truthfully I don't know.

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