Chapter 48

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Oscar and I spent the last two days mainly at the beach below Caleb and Ange's house enjoying Oscar's summer break in the sun and the time we could spend with each other. The bruises had all but faded from my neck and I was increasingly feeling like what happened with Mark was behind me. Oscar still struggled with blaming himself, but luckily for him, I'm pretty determined to crack him and make him understand it wasn't his fault. We spent our time eating food, turns out Oscar is quite the chef when he wants to be, swimming in the pool, taking walks along the beach and waiting for the baby. And in my case, intermittently stressing about Ange.

When the day finally came that Ange had gone into labour, Oscar and I spent the night in the hospital and there was nothing but excitement. Even from Oscar and he's barely gotten to know Ange and Caleb. According to the doctor and nurses Caleb had passed out during the procedure and I wasn't the slightest bit surprised. Due to some complications, the doctors had to perform an emergency C-section, but both Ange and baby Finley were happy and healthy and recovering. Drenched in overtired excitement, Oscar and I entered the bright hospital room.

"Hey Ange," I whispered, noticing Finley asleep in the small clear plastic cradle beside Ange's hospital bed.

"Oh thank god you're here, tell Caleb to stop fussing." My best friend started. Caleb was indeed fussing over Ange, adjusting the blankets around her legs.

I couldn't help the small laugh. "Caleb stop fussing."

Caleb shot Oscar a look. "Are you sure you want to get involved with them, man? The two of them are the most independent, and bossy women I've ever met."

Oscar laughed. "I'll take that into account."

"Do you want to hold your niece?" Ange asked me.

Yes, more than anything. "Oh, no I don't want to wake her."

Ange gave me a flat look and pointed to her daughter, wrapped in blush pink blankets and a pink hat. Although she wasn't technically pregnant anymore and my rule of not arguing with the pregnant lady was obsolete I couldn't say I didn't want to hold Finley. Caleb picked her up first and then handed her small body to me. She's so small and beneath the small pink hat there were hints of a mess of dark hair just like Ange's. Finley opened her eyes but didn't cry, only looked at me. Her eyes were the brightest of blue and her fingers barely wrapped around my finger. I couldn't help the little tear that slipped down my cheek as I smiled at my niece.

"Hello Finley, I'm your Aunty B" I whispered and smiled down at the girl.


Blake looked like an angel.

I was standing beside Caleb in Ange and baby Finley's hospital room, and I couldn't take my eyes off Blake if I tried. The biggest mistake of my life was choosing, even for a moment, my career over her. Regrets of the past, how I treated her, how we treated each other would haunt me for a long time. I would always regret the time we missed, being like this, like we have been for the past few days. Snorkelling reefs together, cooking, walking, and even reading cringe-worthy romance books together by the pool. But I wouldn't change it for the world if it meant we wouldn't end up like this.

As I stood there watching Blake cradle her niece in the light of the window I couldn't help but picture us one day. Me stressing like Caleb, maybe even passing out like he did. Although I hope not. And her, god. The image of her, my wife one day. The mother of my kids. I've never thought of things like this before, a future outside of Formula One. But she made me dream of it, all of it. With her. Minutes passed as Blake admired Finley and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. It matched Blake's.

"Alright, your turn Uncle Oscar," I was startled at Ange's words and looked at Blake's best friend, the wide smirk on her face, then at Blake. A matching smile on her mouth. The two of them would be the death of me. I'm sure my face looked as shocked as I felt because Caleb laughed. In the future, I think Caleb and I could be good friends. Allies against our significant others when Blake and Ange decide to do crazy things. Which undoubtibly, they will.

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