Chapter 4

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To my surprise after my conversation with Oscar and a few more drinks, I was able to enjoy the rest of my night. 

Isa and I had become quick friends and Lily had dragged me to the main dance floor on the first floor of the club for what felt like forever. Because I wasn't with Ange I kept the drinking to a minimum but that didn't mean I wasn't buzzed. I also feel bad that continuing drinking meant I ran the risk of running Isa's tab up. It ended up being a lot of fun, I avoided Lando purely because I couldn't handle any more embarrassment, but I just lost myself in the music and the people I was with. Part of the reason I loved travelling so much was the spontaneity of it. As much as I was out of my comfort zone, these are the memories I'll look back at one day and be happy I left the hostel. 

One in the morning came around quickly and it was Oscar who came up to me to offer me a ride home when the lights came on. 

"I figure since we are supposed to be dating, I should drive you home" Oscar joked.

"Haven't you been drinking?" I replied, thankfully I wasn't drunk, but that didn't mean I was completely sober either.

"No, water or pop only for me, qualifying tomorrow night."

"Right," I replied, that makes sense. "Okay, let me grab my purse from Carlos." Carlos had somehow ended up as the designated purse and wallet guard for the night while some of us had gone dancing. I ascended back up the stairs, smiling at the security guard standing atop them. He offered a small smile back and I made my way back toward the booth where my night had started.

"You're back!" Carlos said energetically and I offered him a smile.

"Yeah, I am heading out, Oscar is going to drive me back," I said and I got a knowing look from Isa. Carlos handed me my bag and I grabbed my phone to check if I had any messages from Ange.

"Here, give me your phone," Isa said and I handed it to her. It amazes me how in one night I have become so trusting with a bunch of strangers. Isa typed her number into my contacts and handed me back my phone. "Will you be at the paddock tomorrow?"

"Yeah, my best friend and I have paddock passes for the weekend," I replied.

"Okay good!" Isa said, "Message me when you get there, and I'll save you two a good spot to watch the race, I'm not in the garage tomorrow so you can sit with me."

"Sounds great!" the kindness of this woman is astonishing. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Blake!" Carlos called at me and I turned to wave before I descended the stairs, reaching Oscar at the bottom by the door that was lit up with a big EXIT.

"Good to go?" He asked.

"Yep." With that, Oscar pushed open the VIP door and we exited into the cold desert air.

"Jeez, it was either super hot in there, or the temperature out here has dropped ten degrees since I showed up earlier," I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

Oscar chuckled, "Probably a bit of both," he paused and shrugged off the thin long-sleeved white casual dress shirt he was wearing and draped it over my shoulders. I was instantly warmer.


"No problem," it was still a bit awkward between us, but I don't know if you could expect any less when we had only met a few hours ago. The T-shirt he now wore was simply a dark blue, but I had to admit he looked good, it looked both like it was a size too small, and it fit him perfectly. Oscar pulled his keys out of his pocket and clicked the unlock button twice. The beautiful orange McLaren 720 I spotted when I got here lit up. "Perks of the job I think," Oscar said.

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