Chapter 28

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Melbourne is a city I have never visited before. The flights from Canada were too expensive, let alone the days of jet lag recovery required to properly function, but with being in Saudi last week I was thankfully adjusting to the time difference decently well. Today I was thankful for my choice of airy clothing that made me look well put together. Not only for the heat but the surprising amount of people I ran into asking for photos, or people that knew of me and didn't ask for photos like the local media already arrived ahead of the race in a few days. With the time motioning towards the later hours of the day the people and media had faded, so I was thankfully back to being alone.

I was walking back from the last bookstore, saving the largest one for last was a good idea, since carrying my tote bag full of different books would've sucked earlier while I was touring around some of Melbourne's classic tourist attractions and one of the closest beaches. Thankfully Oscar's parents live quite centrally in Melbourne, so despite the many different places I went to today, I managed most of it on foot. The hot temperature was beginning to get to me, but I was relieved when my phone started to ring and it wasn't Oscar's name that popped up but Ange's.

"Hey, Ange!" I greeted cheerily, we spoke only briefly on Monday and with all the drama between Oscar and I, I was overjoyed to talk to a familiar person. Even if things between us didn't feel as close as they used to be.

"Hey Blake," a deep voice came through the speaker. "It's Caleb."

There was a pause as I smothered my confusion, Caleb had my number, why wouldn't he just call me on his phone? "Oh hey Caleb, is Ange okay? I was expecting her to be on the other end of the line," I attempted to keep the apprehension out of my voice but it was difficult.

"Angelina is okay for now," he said. Caleb was the only person to ever call Ange her full name besides her grandparents, it even sounded weird. "I just thought I needed to call you so you could know something about Angelina and the baby, she's scared to tell you, and doesn't want to worry you but I don't want you two growing further apart than you are right now. The distance has been hard enough on her, I can imagine it would only get worse if you didn't know."

My heart rate picked up in my chest and I paused my walking, veering off to stand on the grass to the side of the path so others could pass me along the walkway. "Don't know what Caleb, what don't I know."

There was another pause on the other end of the line before Caleb spoke again. I only knew he was still there for the sound of the deep inhale he took before his next words. "We had an appointment with our doctor today, there are complications and Angelina and the baby may not make it through labour."

My eyes began to blur not just with the news but confusion as well. Through the heaviness in Caleb's voice, I knew his words to be true. Of all the cruel things to happen, Ange. She was finally happy, a happiness that I can only dream of having, and now. "What do you mean she-" I cut my own words short. "Caleb, what's going on why does the doctor think that." I hate the way my voice shakes with the words.

"She has something called placenta previa, the doctors think it's caused by some kind of damage she may have had years ago." I scanned my brain thinking of things that may have happened to cause it but I came up short. I didn't even know what placenta previa was. Caleb continued when I couldn't find my voice well enough to speak. "So far nothing has changed because her condition isn't severe, but the baby will have to be delivered by c-section, we set a date for the surgery. It's September first."

His normal deep voice and confident tone were weak. Caleb sounded defeated, even a bit terrified and like before calling me had planned out exactly what to say to avoid breaking down over the line. "Okay, thanks for telling me Caleb," I manage to fumble the words out, saying nothing would only make him feel worse but I couldn't think of any words that would make him feel better either.

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