Chapter 11

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My hair was still damp on my neck as I sipped my coffee. Yesterday had been amazing in every way possible and despite sleeping in until nine in the morning I was on my third cup of coffee. I didn't usually sleep in very much in the mornings, so nine was a couple more hours later for me than usual. I blame jet lag and the chaotic amazingness that was yesterday. 

Ange had yet to emerge from our room. We had thought when we booked the flights that picking a later departure time would allow us to have another day of exploring Bahrain, but I think we were both content with just having a lazy Monday morning before heading to the airport.

To head in separate directions.

My flight was at four this afternoon, and Ange's was at three-thirty, so we would probably leave the hostel around noon since that was checkout time anyway, to get to the airport in lots of time. I packed my bag quietly this morning before coming down for breakfast, so I was content to keep downing cups of coffee and read my book until Ange was ready to go. She was well known for packing last minute, I gave up a long time ago trying to force my somewhat organizational ways on her. 

I retreated my eyes from the window and returned to my book. By some crude joke of the universe, the only book I packed for this trip was a cheesy romance novel. And the even bigger joke was that it was two people fake dating. I just got to the part where the hotel worker is insisting they only have one room left with one bed. Classic.

I scoffed at the text, quickly bringing a hand to my mouth when I noticed a man across the room looking at me. I felt my face go red with embarrassment but thankfully he just filled a mug with coffee and left the dining room. Scaring people off has to be some kind of special talent of mine. I brought my eyes back to my book, trying to resume reading but the events in the book only made me think of what Oscar and I's sleeping arrangements might be. The teams had booked all the hotels months, if not years in advance, I doubt there was the option to get another room or change his room to one with two beds.

I closed my book and grabbed my cup of coffee, which was finally cooled down enough for me to drink. Although the coffee was good and free at the hostel, it was boiling each time I poured a new cup. I grabbed my phone off the table and opened it to Oscar's phone number. He was most likely still on a plane and probably wouldn't get my text until he landed but I sent a message anyway. Remembering his request from our conversation last night.

Hey, it's Blake.

I didn't know what else to say but I think that's enough. He will have my number now at least. Bored, and not wanting to read my book anymore even though would have been one of the most interesting parts of the book for me normally, I opened my photos on my phone instead. I looked through all the different photos Ange took of me yesterday and the few photos I took of the race. I favourited two, one was a picture of me looking out at the track with my hand in my hair. It was by far the best photo of me that she took last night, which I guess was why she had giggled after she made me fluff my hair yesterday. The other was a picture of the track, Oscar's car a blur of orange driving past. You could only tell it was his car by the lack of fluorescent yellow on his helmet. Unlike Lando's.

I adjusted some of the settings on both photos, enhancing some of the colours and brightness, then went onto Instagram and posted the two pictures together in one post. Not one minute later I remembered that I had unmuted notifications for Instagram last night, not wanting to miss a message from Oscar. I had also unmuted my phone, which was quickly noticed by everyone else enjoying a quiet morning in the dining room. I switched my phone onto silent, shrinking in my chair when everyone's eyes were on me. I tried to ignore them, acting as if my phone exploding with noise was no big deal. I navigated to my settings on my phone and muted all notifications for all my social media. Ange would have to text me if she sent me something on Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter if she wanted me to see it.

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