Chapter 18

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Free practice one went smoothly for both Oscar and Lando. There was a red flag for a few minutes halfway through the first free practice after the Williams of Logan Sargeant spun and went into a wall, but besides that, there were no other major incidents. I decided to avoid Oscar during the hour-and-a-half break in between the practices, I thought he probably would need to focus on his driving.

For the most part, we have already sold the public on the fact we are dating. I don't think there is any need to be clinging to each other when he had much more important things to do. I watched Oscar on the screen enter the pitlane and make my exit before he got close to the garage. I exited out the way I came in and found a bathroom, then went to wander some of the different attractions in the paddock. 

All the teams and personnel were focused on the practice sessions, and for the most part, the media was too. While walking through the paddock I only ran into a few different cameras all of which snapped a few photos and then left me alone. With the paddock pass around my neck I was able to explore one of the taller watching platforms. With a bit of disappointment, I found there wasn't an elevator and I was grossly reminded of how out of shape I was after the three flights of stairs. I needed to start running again. 

At the top, there was no roof or any shade at all actually, but there was an amazing view of the track, and I was almost the only person up there. a light desert breeze blew some hair from my ponytail loose and I tucked it behind my ear. The somewhat silence and privacy were welcome. 

My feet drew me close to the edge of the viewing platform and I leaned up against the slightly warmed railing to look down on the track some more. I pulled my phone out and took a few pictures. There aren't any cars on the track, just the medical and safety cars going around every couple of minutes to make sure people stay off. I watched the green Aston Martins circle for a while. It was like watching a clock's hand move. Knowing there weren't any cameras up here to snap a picture of me I let the muscles in my shoulders relax. 

Below me, there was a group of girls wandering around in the paddock with a photographer. I'd seen how some modelling companies send models to races to promote their companies on track through their photos but I'd never seen it. The girls are beautiful and tall, and they all have something unique about them. They laugh together as the photographer points in different directions and they pose. 

Over the last couple of years, even before Oscar followed me I'd grown a following on social media. Instagram, especially for my pictures. I'd had a few modelling companies reach out, but I always turned them down because I was travelling with Ange. But maybe that's something I could finally look into. Modelling wouldn't stop me entirely from helping Oscar through the season. Most drivers dated models. And I liked it. At least, the little I'd done with Ange and in photography classes in high school. 

Something to try anyway. 

Feeling a bit uninspired I let out a sigh of air, I was probably getting sunburnt standing up here but I couldn't find a reason to step out of the sun. I looked at the watch on my wrist. Free practice two started in twenty minutes. I had at least ten minutes until I should be getting back to the garage. I heard people begin to join me on the platform getting ready to watch the cars go around the track. Heavy shoes sounded beside me until someone came to stand beside me and lean on the railing. 

"Hello Blake," I heard from beside me. I turn to see where the voice is coming from and am greeted by Mark, Oscar's manager I met this morning.

"Hi Mark, good to see you again," I greet. He came to stand beside me, leaning on the railing himself, but facing the opposite direction of me. Not knowing what to say, I let him start a conversation if he wanted it and there was a short silence before he spoke.

"So, forgive me, I'm a little confused." He said. "I was under the impression I knew everything about Oscar, and I don't think that I'm wrong. But I can't figure out how you fit in."

"What do you mean?" I lightly laughed, trying to be as casual as possible.

Mark was serious, I remembered watching him and Sebastian Vettel race together. The times he was angry or upset. I couldn't remember exactly what he looked like angry but the look on his face and the tone of his voice is some kind of passive aggressiveness that makes me uncomfortable. 

"How does he meet you, why you? Oscar and I discussed coming into Formula One, hell I'm the reason he's here." Mark turned to look at me and came closer to my face. "I don't know why he's thrown himself into a relationship when it's something he doesn't need."

I realize Mark's job is to make sure Oscar's racing life is going as smoothly as possible. Surely he'd understand the reasoning behind Oscar needing to look stable in his home life? I find myself a little hurt by Mark's words even though Oscar and I aren't dating for real. Something about not being needed anymore hit home and the sore spot Ange left gets poked. 

Oscar thinks he needs this relationship and it's his career, not Mark's. Why should I care what he thinks? "Not that it is any of your business Mark, but Oscar and I wouldn't be together if we didn't care about each other. I care about his racing and his career, I'm not going to mess anything up for him." I square my shoulders trying to look as confident as I can. Mark smirks and the uneasy feeling in my stomach while talking to him this morning returns. 

"You know Blake, when I raced there were grid girls. You look like one of them." Mark's smile sends uncomfortable shivers down my back. "I fucked a lot of those girls, they liked it too." I couldn't hide my look of disgust. Mark just laughed. I backed up a step. Thankfully Mark stayed leaning against the railing and didn't move to come any closer to me. "I understand why Oscar wants a nice piece of ass around. But you two don't need to go around telling the world you're anything more than his whore."

I stepped back a few more steps, shocked and disgusted. I had no idea what I did to make Mark think I was some kind of fuck tool for Oscar but I couldn't think of that right now. Mark moved off the railing to stand and I quickly backed away further. "You don't know me, Mark, I am not a whore."

Mark snorts. his eyes scanning my body. I shift on my feet, more than uncomfortable. He takes a step toward me and the uncomfortableness shocks to scarred. I turn on my heel and begin speedwalking my way through happy people beginning to fill the platform for free practice. 

"It will be fun getting to know you, Blake!" Mark yells from somewhere behind me. I don't dare turn around and quicken my pace further to the stairs. I rush down them and back into Oscar's garage instead. 

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