Chapter 12

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I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until I was gently nudged by the lady beside me that we were about to land.

"Sorry sweetheart, the flight attendant asked me to wake you," she said.

"Oh, it's okay, thank you."

I watched the land and the city come into view. The land was categorized by different coloured squares, which were farmer's fields, probably being prepped for seeding in a month. The city of Calgary looked randomly placed in a wide expanse of a flat earth. Even the desert was more interesting, but this was home. The plane landed seamlessly and once the plane was docked at the terminal I turned airplane mode off on my phone and looked down to a text from Ange. It was a picture of her and Caleb, both smiling brightly at the camera, the sun and palm trees in the background. I looked at the text below the picture.

Landed safe. Facetimes start next week, I'm going home to sleep. Say hi to Trevor and Anna for me. <3

I texted her back a simple, I landed safe too, and I will. Talk soon.

There was also a text from Oscar. Hey! Let me know when you land back in Canada, I'm back in Woking safe and sound.

I decided to reply to him later and opened up my dad's number and sent him a text, letting him know I had landed, before navigating through the now empty back rows of the plane to grab my suitcase. I struggled a moment to get it down, in the process almost dropping the bag on my head but then proceeded out of the plane. I braced for the cold pulled a white zip-up sweater out of my smaller carry-on bag and put my arms through the sleeves before I got too far down the arriving passenger's hallway. One of the wheels on my suitcase was struggling to spin, so I kept having to pull it back towards me when it kept wanting to bash the wall to my right. 

The end of the hallway was flooded with natural light and I walked out into the main area of the Calgary airport. People were scattered everywhere, some rushing to their gates, others exiting like me, and some having food, or chasing young children. I silently thanked whatever powers above there were for the lack of screaming children on my flight.

I took every human conveyor belt possible to get to the exit. I loved feeling like I was walking in superspeed, and being as I am completely out of sorts at the moment, any piece of happiness I could get I figured I should take. I descended the last escalator out of the secure area of the airport and went through the doors to officially exit. Slight panic arose in my chest when I couldn't see my dad right away. Thankfully the panic ceased as soon as it came when I saw him standing by the doors outside. My dad was tall, over six feet, with dark hair streaked with grey, and green eyes. I looked a lot like him I suppose. Although I, unfortunately, have my mother's shorter height.

"Hey B, how was your flight?" he asked, deep voice comforting after the long journey. He reached out and I just about collapsed into his arms. My dad always gave the best hugs.

"I don't remember it," I mumbled into his chest. "Slept the whole way." His chest rumbled against my ear as he laughed quietly.

"How is Ange doing? Did she find Caleb alright?" His words were kind and soft. As if knowing it may upset me to talk about Ange. I let go of my dad and stepped back, wrapping my hand around my suitcase handle again.

"She landed safe, and said to say hi to you and Mom," I replied, trying to keep my voice sounding positive to avoid pity. I didn't like people pitying me, and as much as my parents never meant any harm I didn't want to talk much about her quite yet. My dad, seeming to get the subtle hint grabbed my carry-on bag from me and turned towards the door.

"Right, well, let's get you home. Your mom made breakfast and you can tell us all about your trip while we eat it." I replied with a nod and followed closely behind him as we walked out into the cold weather towards the car. I forgot about the time change. My inner clock was thinking it was closer to dinnertime. When in reality my flight had landed at eight-thirty in the morning. 

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