Chapter 37

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I wake to the smell of pancakes and bacon. The light streaming through the blinds is warm and it takes me a few moments to realize where I am. Lando's guest bed is probably a hundred times comfier than my bed back home in Canada, and if it weren't for the smell of food I might've stayed here all day. I roll over to check the time and see it's almost eleven in the morning. On my lock screen, there is a notification from Ange. She's less than a month away from her surgery, and the last time we spoke she was pissed off that Caleb and her doctor were insisting on doing nothing at all for the remaining weeks. I opened our chat and found three new messages.

Little Finley is a demon child.

I'm serious B, It's like she has some kind of vendetta against my bladder.

I can't wait for you to be here. Also, what the hell happened at Spa? News says Oscar is okay, but are you? The news didn't lie, right?

The messages from my best friend never cease to bring a smile to my face lately, she's a comfort from home, something that feels real, despite the distance between us emotionally and physically. I mean, she still doesn't know I kissed Oscar and that's what caused the distance between us. She just thinks he's an asshole, and I never bothered to correct her. I quickly text back.

I'm never having kids.

Oscar is fine, sore and bruised but okay. I am too but I'm still recovering from sleeping in the hospital chair I think. I have a week off work so we are just chilling at Lando's place in Monaco.

You slept at the hospital? Ange replies, I'm surprised she's awake but I guess that can be blamed on Finley.

I thought he was dead Ange, I wasn't about to leave him.

Too bad he's an asshole, you're totally in love with him.

I am not. I know I am.

The Blake Jackson I know would never sleep in a hospital chair.

I think you're forgetting all the terrible hostel beds we've slept in.

That's beside the point. You thought doomsday and slept in a chair. You're seriously telling me you're not in love with him?



Shut up.

Things are complicated between us. We aren't actually dating.

And people who are in fake relationships fall in actual love all the time!

How many chick flicks have you been watching while on bed rest?

Too many, I think it's starting to corrupt Caleb, he actually cried watching The Last Ride last night. Do you know how hard it is to make that man cry?

I do not, but I plan to find out if he ever hurts you.

Oh, stop with the protective bullshit. If he ever hurts me I expect you and I to pull a "Two Black Cadillacs" by Carrie Underwood with me.

I outwardly chuckle, still wrapped up in the fluffy blankets. I can't wait to see you, and meet Finley. I text. Feeling homesick from my best friend.

I can't wait to pee like a normal person again.

Will you ever again though?

Shut up.

I smile again, I'm tempted to keep talking to her, but the smell of bacon is too enticing so I message Ange goodnight and she wishes me a good day. We promise to Facetime soon and I put my phone back down on the nightstand. I shrug off the blankets and stand up from the heaven that is the bed. I blame the jet lag for sleeping in so late.

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