Chapter 45

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"Hey B," greeted Caleb as Oscar and I exited the secure area of the airport.

I walked up to him and hugged him. Caleb looked tired, dark circles drew out from under his eyes, and he was worried. Undoubtedly about Ange and the baby. "Hey, Caleb," I said back, releasing him from the short embrace. "This is Oscar, my boyfriend." I motioned to Oscar beside me, his hair messy from the plane and handsome as ever.

Caleb managed a smile which seemed genuine and reached out to shake Oscar's hand. "Oh I know, Ange loves to share the gossip. Your two's love life has pretty much been all she talks about for the last few weeks."

"Good to know we've been entertaining her." I laughed. Caleb nodded. "How is she?" I asked, my voice softer.

Caleb sighed and ran a hand through his long blonde hair. "She's all right, stressed, we both are. But you're here now I know that alone will help her a lot."

I offered him a smile. "Well, then I'm glad I'm here."

Caleb nodded and turned to the bag area. "You guys have any checked bags?"

I shook my head. But Oscar answered. "Nah man, we just stuck with the carry on's."

Caleb turned back, this time to the exit doors. "All right, I'll drop you guys off at our place but then I'm going to head back to the hospital, that way you can have a chance to get settled."

"That sounds great Caleb," I answered and Oscar and I followed him out the doors.

We all exited the airport and into the hot Hawaiian air. The temperature wasn't much different here than in Monaco, so thankfully there was no adaption to different climates Oscar and I needed to do, but the air was slightly thicker with humidity. For me, it was a welcome change. Although my hair would most likely start to curl in places, I was thankful for deciding to pack a flat iron in my bag earlier.

The drive from the airport to Caleb and Ange's house was under thirty minutes. We drove with the windows down out of the city and along the coast. Thick trees blanketed the volcano-made hills all the way down to the sea, with only sandy beaches to divide them. The road got thinner the closer we got, and I realized, or remembered then, that Caleb and Ange certainly weren't short on money. The complex they lived in may as well have been a resort property. Sometimes I forgot Caleb was some big wig investor and only hobby surfer. He really did come off as the opposite.

When we pulled into the driveway Caleb parked the car but didn't get out, seeming anxious about getting back to the hospital to be with Ange. I was too, as soon as Oscar and I dropped off our bags I called a cab to get myself there. The house was beautiful. Nestled in palms, neatly trimmed grass and lush gardens, which I knew was definitely something Ange had added.

"Ange left her car keys on the kitchen counter for you guys, her car is in the garage, there is a garage opener button on the shield on the driver's side," Caleb said as Oscar and I got out of Caleb's car to grab our bags. "Feel free to use the car for sightseeing and stuff too, Ange and I are going to be sharing mine for a bit now anyway."

Oscar reached for my small carry-on suitcase before I could and I shot him a small glare. He just smirked back at me, proudly holding both of our bags. "That's very generous of you guys, thank you," I said to Caleb. He just had the window down talking to us through it.

"Oh, and the key to the basement suite is under the planter to the right of the basement door, you can hold onto that too."

I nodded. "Thanks, Caleb, now get back to the hospital," I half-joked and his shoulders loosened. "I'll be right behind you in a bit."

Caleb nodded and shifted his car into reverse. "Text me if you need anything."

"I will."

Oscar and I stood outside until Caleb pulled out of the driveway and exited back towards the city. When he was out of sight I followed Oscar down a set of stairs that ran along the side of the house, or rather, vila. To the basement. Also as I quickly realized, was the ground floor, with direct access to a large waterfall pool with a view that made it look like the pool melted off into the ocean. I took a second to look around. The stairs continued from where we got off them down towards a small beach. There were large palms, and lush flowering bushes surrounding the house and the staircase down to the water.

"How in the hell did you choose me, over living here?" Oscar asked, putting down our suitcases. I watched him as he walked over to the edge of the pool, where the shallow section had two large half-submerged lounge chairs.

I laughed a little. "I liked you, and I wanted to keep seeing the world."

"I was an asshole," Oscar replied.

I walked over, closer to him and grabbed his hand in my own, leaning my shoulder against his. "In the beginning, you weren't so mean, not for a few races anyway."

"Two races B, two. Not nearly nice enough to you for long enough for you to justify staying with me."

I let out a deep exhale and rested my head on his shoulder. "Maybe not." I looked out at the ocean in front of us. Its rolling waves never stop. "But I think even then I loved you, and even though it hurt to have you ice me out, I knew that wasn't you, that cold person. I think a part of me just wanted this."

"Wanted what?" Oscar's voice was soft as he tilted his head to look at me.

"You, and me. Happy."

Oscar frowned. "I just feel like most of us knowing each other has been dedicated to me hurting you, either through being so cold with you." Oscar sucked in a breath. "Or through Mark." I couldn't help the small tension in my muscles, but I didn't let go of Oscar. "I talked to Lando," Oscar continued. "While you were asleep one day after everything went down, he told me that smaller things, like what he did at the club had been happening for a while."

I nodded slowly against Oscar's shoulder.

"I know why you didn't tell me, that's what makes it worse, I feel like it's, even more, my fault it all ended up how it did."

"Os," I paused, lifting my free hand to his face. "I should've told you, no matter if we were a bit distant with each other then, it's just as much my fault for letting him continue to come at me. but his actions are not your or I's fault."

Oscar nodded and wiped his face and let out a deep sigh. "All right."

I let go of Oscar and headed to find the key to the basement. When I found it I turned and opened the door to the suite space, Oscar followed me in with our bags and set them down on the bed. The place was nicely decorated, definitely Ange's style with retro furnishings and bright colours. Oscar opened the blinds to let some light in and I explored the small kitchen. Seemed Ange stocked the fridge too.

"I'm just going to change and then I'm going to head to the hospital to see Ange for a bit, do you want to come?" I asked Oscar, walking out of the small kitchen and back into the bedroom. He was laid back on the comically pink bedsheets but sat up when I walked in. "You are welcome to stay too, I'm just going to say hello and come back."

I moved towards my suitcase and grabbed a fresh change of clothes, not bothering to walk into the bathroom. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and swapped it for a clean tank, and my loose pair of "plane pants" for a comfortable pair of jean shorts. Oscar watched my every move and the air-conditioned room felt hotter than outside.

Oscar cleared his throat when I reached into my bag for a pair of comfortable sandals. "I think I'll stay, I've got to make a few calls to work and I want to check in with Lando. Apparently, he's got this new girl he met and has been itching to talk about."

I couldn't help my laugh. "All right, tell Lan I say hi." I leaned down to Oscar's lips and kissed him. Oscar brought his hand to the side of my face, pulling me in closer.

"I love you." He said when we pulled apart.

"I love you too."

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