Chapter 6

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"Morning," I greeted Ange as she joined me in the small breakfast area of our hostel. I was so excited for today that I had woken up without an alarm an hour ago and was now reading my book waiting for her to join me. Ange's hair was done, as well as her makeup, despite her being awake much earlier than her usual time. 

"You're up early today." She greeted, grabbing one of the croissants off the breakfast bar and joining me at the small table. I had managed to get one of the three tables that sat close to the windows this morning since I'd woken up so early. So the morning desert sun was currently warming my back.

"I guess I am too excited for today, I couldn't sleep," I say, taking a sip from my coffee.

"Well, the race doesn't start until tonight, in case you forgot it was a night race," Ange said, pointing a torn-off piece of her croissant at me.

"No, I didn't forget, but I do want to go out and explore a bit before going to the paddock," I put my bookmark into my book and set it on the table in front of me. "I spent a few minutes earlier reading through this," I chucked the tourism pamphlet towards Ange and she raised an eyebrow at me.

She took a few seconds to scan the pages. "Okay, I guess we can do some of this, but it's also like, four hundred degrees out, I don't want to get sunburnt." That was a joke, Ange barely ever got sunburnt due to her deep olive complexion. "What's wrong with just having a low-key afternoon? We can head to the paddock later, I have to meet Oscar anyways before you go running off with him."

I shook my head. of course, she had some sinister plan to meet Oscar. "Well, we had kind of planned on talking tonight, so I don't know if I will see him today," I said, of course, Ange wanted to meet him, but today was a big day for him and I have only met him once.  "First Formula One race, remember?"

"It's my first Formula One race too," Ange said dumping a sugar packet into her tea.

I offered her a flat look. "You're not a driver Ange."

"Whatever, I want to meet him, and I know you want to see him too, you've been checking your phone every two minutes for a new message and usually there is nothing anyone can do to keep your nose out of a book. It's like the damn thing sucks you in and time doesn't exist to you anymore."

"Not true," it totally was. "I have been checking and stressing out about my profile on Instagram, not Oscar."

"What? Why?"

A sigh left my lips and I ran a hand through my hair. "Because I gained almost eighty-thousand followers since Oscar and I started following each other, and now I'm self-conscious of every photo or video I have ever posted," It was the truth. Usually never had my phone on silent while travelling in case Ange and I ever got separated, but not only had I put my phone on Do Not Disturb, but I also had to mute notifications from Instagram entirely, which of course was my only way of contacting Oscar, hence checking my phone every two minutes.

"Well, I took most of those photos, so you have nothing to worry about, you look amazing in all of them."

"Way to pat yourself on your own back," I laughed. I open my phone and the Instagram app, passing my phone to show Ange. "Look." She quickly put her tea down and took my phone from me. A few minutes ago I posted a story of my book in front of the large window, but I hadn't posted any pictures for over a month. I tended not to take, let alone share photos of myself when I was at home, and Ange and I had yet to take some in Bahrain. The story had twelve thousand likes last time I checked. And my inbox was full of interrogation-like messages. 

"Holy shit, I guess you're famous now," Ange said, while I assume scrolling through my Instagram feed. "The race starts at six, so I think we should be at the track for two, that way we can get a late lunch in the paddock. You can message Oscar and ask if he wants to join us, and then we still have lots of time before the race to see all the events that happen before it."

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