Jealousy & Movies

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"It's about Alyssa," Mya said, pursing her lips.

I felt my body relax on command, feeling grateful that it had nothing to do with me.


Alyssa? Who's Alyssa?

Mili sighed, "Not this again."

"She just wants to talk to you... she knows you're back in town," Mya said, and instead of my heart racing in my chest, it felt like it had sunk to my stomach instead.

Alyssa must be an old fling. Or maybe a—

"She's my ex Mya. I know you're naturally the nice sister, but you have to understand that I owe her nothing," Mili said, sitting up from her leaned-back position.

I felt a sting vibrate through me—was I jealous?

No. No. How could I be? I have no right to.

"You never gave her an explanation regarding the breakup—at least give her closure," Mya said, her tone growing firm, like she's tried to tell her this before.

The brief thought of being Mili's ex crossed my mind, rattling me completely.

The idea of being on the outs with her and not being a part of her life felt very unappealing to me.

I hate to admit it, but I could see why Alyssa wanted to speak to Mili.

"Don't you agree Ana?" Mya asked, snapping me from my thoughts yet again.

I peered over to Mili, whose brow was raised as she waited for me to answer whatever question Mya was asking.

"I... uh what was the question again?" I said.

Mili rested her head in the palm of her hand as she looked over at me. "Do you think I should speak to my ex," she said, reiterating Mya's question, except hers was a statement, like she was leaving room for me to say no—a part of me wondered if she hoped I would say no.

"I think that's a question that only Mili should answer," I said, knowing better than to get involved in the standoff between the two siblings.

My answer would be wrong regardless.

"No, it's a yes or no question," Mili said, pushing me to answer a question that would put me in a very awkward predicament.

I peered over to Mya, who shrugged, which ultimately meant that I needed to answer it.

Internally, I felt a slight irritation even thinking about Mili speaking to her ex.

An ex that seems like she wants more than closure.

Then again, Mili can't know that—and Mya definitely can't either.

So that leaves only one correct answer.

"I think... you should speak to her," I said, my stomach turning over as I forced the sentence out. I could one hundred percent throw up right now.

Mili clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, pulling her eyes away from me with a distasteful look coating her face.

Something tells me that I still managed to say the wrong answer.

"See," Mya said, motioning to me.

Every second that passed, my stomach grew more unsettled. I shouldn't have even answered the question.

"Yep," Mili said, her tone dry and cold. "I'll reach out to her," she said, reaching for her phone that was tucked away in her pocket.

I wanted to say no—but the reason behind the urge would be unexplainable to Mya.

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