Finals & Wine

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"I'm studying right now."

Mya let out a dramatic sigh, "You've been studying for the past few weeks—I'm sure you can take one break to go out with us."

And she had a point.

I had been using studying as an excuse since October.

But now it's December and finals are actually this week.

"It's finals week," I pointed out, turning in my chair to face Mya who had a shot in one hand and a chaser in the other.

Mya smiled, "All the more reason to take a night off and give your brain a break," she said, clearly trying to convince me.

I forced a smile, "Sorry Mya, but I can't tonight," I said, and it felt like we both knew what my answer would be at the end of this conversation.

Mya sighed dramatically, but inevitably nodded, respecting my answer as she took her shot.

"Well, if you do decide to come out, you know where we'll all be at," Mya said, flashing me a smile as she turned on her heel, "Love you—have fun studying."

I turned back around in my chair, "Love you more," I called over my shoulder as Mya's heels clicked out of my room.

And just like that I was left alone—hearing the front door to our apartment gently close shut as I focused back in on my notes.

Yet, all I could do was sigh to myself, feeling completely drained—and not just from schoolwork.

It felt nice to leave LA for a moment to head back home over Thanksgiving break—but now that I've been back for a few weeks, I feel that same hollow feeling in my stomach.

And I know exactly what the cause was.

Or should I say who?

I suddenly looked up when I heard a few knocks at the door.

And I wanted to assume it was Mya, but she had a key—which easily made me wonder who it could be.

My brows furrowed as I stood from my chair and walked out of my room to the door.

And as soon as I opened it, my furrowed brows raised.


The redhead smiled, holding up the two bags in her hands as she said, "Surprise!"

I tilted my head, "Aren't you supposed to be out with everyone?" I questioned in confusion.

Arielle shrugged, "I told them that I wanted to study with you," she explained, walking past me into the apartment, "Although, Damon wants me back at his place by the end of the night."

I slowly closed the door, clearly confused as I turned to Arielle who was setting the grocery bags down.

"I hope you like Christmas tree cakes," she said as she began grabbing bowls and plates.

I carefully watched her, "I thought we were studying?" I said, clearly wanting to know what she was up to.

Arielle suddenly looked at me, "You know we're not studying," she retorted as she began plating all the different snacks, "We're doing a girl's night—Christmas theme of course."

And even if I wanted to be alone, I couldn't help but find the idea to be fun, "Okay—" I suddenly tilted my head, "It's a little bit random though," I pointed out, knowing that her surprise pop by was a little odd.

I mean, we've talked over the last couple of months, but that was whenever I managed to join the group for coffee or something.

Luckily, it hasn't been weird with Cam—of course, I had to sit her down and have a conversation with her.

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